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投稿日: 2016年5月10日 20時29分

“It was like living through a teen horror movie with your own friends” – Constantine104

Oxenfree is listed as a supernatural thriller. It feels like a 80s/90s horror flick.

The story is about a group of teenage friends, alone for an overnight party trip on an old island. Because isn’t that just the setting for any great horror.

You are Alex, a girl as bright, witty and sarcastic as you could hope with the cool blue hair to match.

The group is the perfect cast for a story like this: The ‘popular’ ♥♥♥♥♥♥ girl, the bad boy, the nerd, the sarcastic one and the shy quiet one.

The night starts off with the obligatory tension and alliances that you would expect between these teen ages, this fulled with teenage hormones and brains leads to the group splitting off into factions to ‘get some air’
And then the madness begins and escalates quickly, it starts with a pot brownie and ends off with the opening of a demonic/ghostly portal.

Because DAH.

And from that moment on you start surviving the night. Hour by hour.

The way that all these events will unfold, your friendships either wain or become stronger, and the outcome of the night is all up to you.

YOU are the one in charge. YOU are the one fighting to make it through. YOU are living through this.

This game was so completely amazing I don’t know where to start:

1) Now this is something that applies to ME personally, this game hit all my personal soft spots and fears. I am very close to my few friends, they are my family and I would die for them. I would TOTALLY have been there on that island and I would totally want to ‘call the ghosts’ now here’s where the fears come in. I AM PETRIFIED of being underwater – I want to get my divers licence and I will still, but even the thought scares me. I HATE the thought of a creepy voice calling out my name and used to have repeated nightmares of someone calling out ‘arieeelllllllllleeeeeeee’ and lastly, my mom showed me the mothman prophecies as a kid and I am still disturbed. Voices and images coming to me through a tv or radio that don’t belong there do not sit well with me. Oxenfree had all of these. Every. Last. One.

2) The music. It wasn’t all that often that you got to appreciate it, but in the odd few moments that you did, it was pretty amazing.

3) The realistic conversation and story. Now I know you might not see how this is a realistic or relatable story, but it just is. Everything feels so natural and right, you aren’t playing this game-you are living it.


5) It effortlessly took you on an adventure. It was a game, real life experience, a book and a movie all in one…

If I was forced to sum up my feeling on Oxenfree in three words it would be:

Please Don’t Go
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