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Danny 님이 최근에 작성한 평가

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기록상 1,507.4시간 (평가 당시 1,356.3시간)
I have played this game for a little over 3 years and the ICO is not as bad as everyone says...but it is not great. Squad was never supposed to be a mil sim, it is a tactical shooter. PiP and suppression cause too much performance issues and makes the game unplayable for a lot of people now and should have never been introduced on top of the already sub par optimization. The ICO will not be fun for new players. Also, all the current people who enjoy the ICO will soon realize the ICO isn't great. This trend has already happened from the very positive response after PT1 to most people realizing now the ICO is just not fun. Though it is playable, it gets exhausting on the eyes after a couple of games due to the constant blurriness. If you're new I would recommend Arma as this game is just a worse version in almost every aspect from Arma. The game had a bright future when they were showing that they were going to go the Pacific route with the introduction of Black Coast and the introduction of boats. Then for whatever reason decided to shoot themselves in the foot with the ICO.
2023년 9월 28일에 게시되었습니다.
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