fluffyabyss 3 Feb, 2023 @ 2:40pm 
troj 1 Feb, 2016 @ 8:54am 
Yeah add him Brandon
Fuse 26 Nov, 2014 @ 1:16pm 
hello add me please want to talk)
Sirus Blackheart 29 May, 2014 @ 4:17am 
Sirus Blackheart 19 Apr, 2014 @ 6:17pm 
Looks like she's got you whipped hahahahahaha
Sirus Blackheart 17 Apr, 2014 @ 8:46am 
YOU'RE LOSING CONTROL BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sirus Blackheart 16 Apr, 2014 @ 9:06pm 
I think you're not giving her satisfaction.... you are losing your man card BR lol
Sirus Blackheart 16 Apr, 2014 @ 9:49am 
Lala is on crack.... i remember scaring the ♥♥♥♥ out of you with clowns in SF ;) hahahhaha
Sirus Blackheart 15 Apr, 2014 @ 8:12pm 
SHE WANTS MORE DRAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!:spacepony:
Sirus Blackheart 15 Apr, 2014 @ 7:16pm 
Lol she's indoctrinated all hope is lost for her plus i was getting so annoyed with her posts always being about religion or boy troubles etc.
Sirus Blackheart 15 Apr, 2014 @ 3:28pm 
That moment when tiffany gets offended over your comments lol
gerbilface 11 Apr, 2014 @ 9:01pm 
I don't udnerstand how I would be Greg's daughter....
Sirus Blackheart 11 Apr, 2014 @ 12:50pm 
If she was i would've taken her to the lake a drowned her a long time ago hahahaha:B1:
Sirus Blackheart 11 Apr, 2014 @ 2:45am 
OH SNAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP and if you're anybody's son you'd be mine :P and lala would be my unfortunate daughter....
Sirus Blackheart 10 Apr, 2014 @ 6:15pm 
Dragon commander is on sale BRO YOU BETTER GET THAT ♥♥♥♥ NOW!:rebellion:
gerbilface 2 Apr, 2014 @ 12:02am 
I wish there was a hamster game.
Sirus Blackheart 25 Jan, 2014 @ 2:18am 
congratz on being ultra gay lololol
Phonogram Man 27 Dec, 2013 @ 8:01pm 
Herp Derp
NotTerrorismGuy 18 Feb, 2013 @ 7:54pm 
Phonogram Man 24 Dec, 2011 @ 1:20am 
Sirus Blackheart 27 Sep, 2011 @ 12:49am 
You still don't have Shogun Total War 2 :( sad panda
Ub3rsoldat 6 Jul, 2011 @ 8:59pm 
I have to post a comment on your page to get new steam punk characters in Killing Floor, so hello.
Vuory 23 Dec, 2010 @ 1:36am 
yes, that is why i am poor... lol. i couldn't help it they were so cheap
Ub3rsoldat 16 Dec, 2010 @ 6:05pm 
I get an achievement for posting something on your page. lucky you
Vuory 30 Sep, 2010 @ 12:37am 
Roger that rogers hahahaha
Vuory 18 Jun, 2010 @ 8:40pm 
I DO NOT!!! have 200 hours on fallout 3... BR's face is full of lies
Vuory 2 Oct, 2009 @ 5:25pm 
Gia 11 Sep, 2009 @ 8:22pm 
OMG, your so awesome
Vuory 18 Jul, 2009 @ 2:22am 
ok and now i saw it and it was weird :P where do you find stuff like these anyway?
Vuory 18 Jul, 2009 @ 2:19am 
no i didn't... and nooooooooo i was doing something else and then you were like okthxbye and then was gonna type something but then you weren't there :O
Gia 16 Jul, 2009 @ 12:47am 
but but but
he likes being bugged, right? :D
Vuory 12 Jul, 2009 @ 4:06pm 
that's because you bug him everytime he is :P
Gia 11 Jul, 2009 @ 7:35pm 
fool, YOU'RE never on.
Gia 27 Jun, 2009 @ 8:55pm 

hi brandon! :)
Commsky 24 Jun, 2009 @ 6:29pm 
Foo's gettin deleted