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Publisert: 29. okt. 2022 kl. 16.52

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Before VRChat implemented EAC, I was able to survive a 100-man instance during a rave set of Furality: Aqua with zero problems, no safety settings, and max quality.

Now, I'm crashing at least twice, three, four, more times during 60-man sets in optimized worlds. I made no changes to my rig...except updating with VRChat and its EAC implementation.

This EAC update was not asked for, nor was it required, and I can only hope that VRChat removes EAC, although I'm certain that won't happen.
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2 kommentarer
[TLS] Commander A9 4. nov. 2022 kl. 9.37 
And it didn't do anything to actually curtail that behavior because if the developers were familiar with their own product, they'd have known that crashing does not require any sort of unauthorized mods.
Rosscoe 4. nov. 2022 kl. 9.18 
EAC really was a band aid fix to stop crasher's.