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1 person found this review helpful
137.7 hrs on record (76.1 hrs at review time)
So let me get this straight, it's 60$, has over 100+ hours of content. tons of replay-ability, doesn't charge for a battlepass or have content locked behind day 1 dlc AND it's already getting patched to fix community complaints?
Buy this game, support Larian
Posted 29 August, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
0.1 hrs on record
Hundreds of hours on OW1, Installed it on steam solely to write a negative review. Removed lootboxes for a BP, skins are 20$ each, PvE cancelled despite 3+ years of 0 content in OW. How do people still defend this game after 5 seasons of horrid game play where blizzard did nothing but, slap their player base in the face?
Posted 11 August, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
48.8 hrs on record
Just buy it
Posted 27 November, 2022.
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2 people found this review helpful
192.1 hrs on record (8.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Overall the game is quite fun and definitely worth 30$.
However in it's current state it is quite unoptimized, currently running a I5-7600k and a reference RX 480 and get around 40-50 fps on low setting with low anti aliasing and 2x texture filtering. A few dips here and there but they tend to be short lived.
It is also prone to crash occasionally which unfortunately instantly "kills" your hunter, a reconnect function would be beneficial here.
In due time it has the potential to be a stellar game.

Minimize Gun usage, bring a knife or knuckles and hold left click to charge an attack, this instant kills most enemies.
You can enter the boss room and leave with the HP bar intact, use this to know when players are fighting it.
Sound is incredibly important, if you hear crows, dogs, or a horse then a player is there.
The extraction points make sounds or visual cues when someone is nearby, use this is an anti camping mechanic.
Play Duo's if you go solo other duo's still exist and will make it harder.
Headshots are instant kill to most enemies enemies and all players.
The game has bullet travel time but im not sure about bullet drop, you will need to compensate by leading your target.
If you down a player he can be revived at least once, use a lantern to burn the body preventing the revive. If he makes a sound then that means he has a living partner somewhere.
Bring medkits or health shots, it will save your life.
Exterior and interior of boss rooms will almost always have at least one ammo box and occasionall med kits.
Posted 4 March, 2018. Last edited 4 March, 2018.
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5.6 hrs on record (1.2 hrs at review time)
I Recommend this game to anyone who likes tycoon games and gamers themselves to go back to the 80's and start the gaming revolution get it while its on sale i bought the game and im addicted you mat start out slow but soon you'l be making tons of money.
Posted 30 December, 2013.
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