[L²] CMR99
Name: if you can't remember already, even after you clicked on my profile, you are thicker than pig ♥♥♥♥. It's like literally at the top of the page in big bold letters.
Age: 19. Big woop.
Gender: Female

*insert long boring introduction here*

Well, if you're reading this, chances are you are extremely bored. Either way, imma just say a lil about myself. Mainly cause I'm bored too, and have ♥♥♥♥ all to do atm.

I am mildly pyrophobic (fear of fire).

I am currently a developer on Limelight Gaming - a Semi-Serious CityRP server, where I do modelling and texture stuff. Website Here [limelightgaming.net]

I like guns. Big guns. Guns that go bang. Always, always, always use more gun. If whatever you shoot could still possibly shoot back at you, you aren't using enough gun.

Things I hate:
-"lol u noob"
-Anyone who can't understand simple logic
-People who can't be arsed to read the rules literally spoonfed to them when they join any server (in any game)
-people who don't understand what "no" means.
-Obnoxious people who can't conprehend what a phobia is.
-Discrimination of any kind. Especially racism.

Also, I am partly OCD when it comes to spelling, gender, and names. So yeah. That's a thing.

Fun quotes:
-Forgive your enemy, but never forget the bastards name.
-When in doubt, shotgun to the face.
-If life gives you lemons, demand a refund.
-Get that ♥♥♥♥♥ a cannon. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ love cannons.
Sedang Offline
Etalase Workshop
ITO Interstellar Marine Playermodel What it says on the tin. This is a playermodel created by me (based off the HL2 Citizen and Metrocop originally, with heavy mesh and texture edits) based on Zero Point Software's currently in-development game, Interstell
110 rating
Dibuat oleh - [L²] CMR99
Vipsu 8 Des 2023 @ 4:21pm 
Come back.
CT7 4 Feb 2018 @ 9:54pm 
When you're drunk af but your friend still stays with you despite all of your short comings...

And then tries to bang you, cuz why not, ey?
restrained hunger 5 Jan 2018 @ 6:26am 
we were having ♥♥♥ (Club Penguin) online and flirt for many hours,,time pass and we get taken down ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and i pulle out my ♥♥♥♥♥ (5.5 inche) but then this girl (???) also take out ♥♥♥♥

[L²] Daley 24 Mei 2017 @ 9:28am 
You have more hours on Garry's mod then me... for now...

I'm coming for you.
Midget 16 Mei 2017 @ 2:05pm 
You haven't had a comment for a whole 5 months.

Here is a comment.

Well the last sentence was a comment but yakno. Life ehy?
Nox 11 Des 2016 @ 2:07am 
Dense Breast
A breast that is firm, not flappy, holds its own.

Jim: Damn Sarah's rack is popping

Steve: I know right, she's got dense breasts