TheRealEasy 10 lug 2018, ore 0:23 
Hello - I want to ask you a question, will you please add me?
Jared IX 11 lug 2015, ore 15:04 
So, I don't "play," but Jag does spend a lot of time in the Auction House still... and I glanced over at Jag's laptop... and Suggs was beside him...
Cloud gunho2 30 giu 2014, ore 17:27 
I spent more then i care to admit! But Fine i got an Orientation coming up so hopefully proves to be a job that proves to last a while for me.
Jared IX 30 giu 2014, ore 16:31 
ha! Weeeellll... I basically ignored this sale, since I'll never get through all the games I have (even though I've finally started playing most of the older ones on Easy just to get through them without dedicating my life to them). The day after xmas was my last visit to FW, and I haven't missed it. Lately, I've been playing Watch Dogs (after completely finishing Far Cry 3) and trying to get crap done around the house :/ I'm boring :/ Did you spend on this sale what I usually spend? :P How are things? :D
Cloud gunho2 28 giu 2014, ore 15:10 
Steam Summer sale..... Always makes me regret it coming and at the same time happy.
Jared IX 24 dic 2013, ore 8:08 
:D :D Have fun killin' :D
Jared IX 4 dic 2013, ore 9:40 
I have a tendency to play with the chat window closed lolol I don't really talk to anyone anymore, and lately, I'm often the only person in Onovia online. I live in a little world of my own... :/
Cloud gunho2 3 dic 2013, ore 20:44 
PMing you*
Cloud gunho2 3 dic 2013, ore 20:44 
lol i have got on FW a few times but both you were not responding. i think i even trie
Jared IX 3 dic 2013, ore 12:06 
I might finally be getting really tired of FW... but I soooooo enjoy making my gold... *sigh*
Cloud gunho2 9 set 2013, ore 21:11 
Yeah i was bored my friend was bugging me to log on to play for a bit
Jared IX 9 set 2013, ore 15:11 
lol, you actually logged into FW. I mostly play with the chat window closed these days, cuz I don't talk to people :D
Jared IX 7 giu 2013, ore 10:05 
I sort of quit, but you know me: I like flooding AH with my finely crafted goods :P
Cloud gunho2 27 mag 2013, ore 13:37 
Ah wasn't aware you still played That game thought you said you had quit or something
Jared IX 26 mag 2013, ore 6:12 
Still kickin'. Semester takes it out of me and doesn't leave me a lot of time for gaming. --Oh, but I finally let Jag get to lv80 lol
Cloud gunho2 30 dic 2012, ore 15:02 
Well not so new but decided to post em for you Vel
Cloud gunho2 30 dic 2012, ore 15:01 
New CPU Specs

AMD FX 6120 3.5GHz
10 GB DDR3 Ram
Nvidia 560 Ti

Cloud gunho2 11 lug 2012, ore 13:48 
Got the new computer now btw Mr Velo.
Cloud gunho2 22 giu 2012, ore 17:00 
hehe im trying i may have a job lined up if things go well for me.
Jared IX 20 giu 2012, ore 5:09 
Pullin for ya, bud. Miss yer sorry a$$ :P
Cloud gunho2 17 giu 2012, ore 1:26 
Sadly No i have yet to be able to get another job lately. Alot of things have gone on lately so ive been busy.
Jared IX 8 giu 2012, ore 11:19 
You get that new computer yet, fishboy? :P
Cloud gunho2 30 gen 2012, ore 13:18 
Must continue to work for the New computer i have my eyes on!
Cloud gunho2 8 dic 2010, ore 3:44 
Duke nukem is alive and kicking coming in 2011!
Cloud gunho2 25 mar 2010, ore 15:48 
Sooo trying to get a new computer