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3.0 hrs on record
After 4 games I can safely say that this is an RTS disguised as a MOBA. It feels like there are more similarities with Civ (turn based) than there is to LoL or HotS. Or even Smite and Paragon.

· Nice graphics
· Character kits and abilities feel very smooth.
· Right click pathing feels better than LoL but you can't hold down right click to move in a direction.

· Comically weak towers but that's just a different play style to get used to so not really a con.
· Odd game design choices with lot of dedicated buttons missing like camera lock.
· A guide is needed to figure out how to surrender and also ♥♥♥♥ load of conditions to actually surrender.
· Absolute cluster♥♥♥♥ of an UI. Like who actually designed this. It's an early 2000s UI stuck in the 90s. Only pro to it is that it's very information heavy so maybe once you figure out how to navigate it, it can be helpful. Even then would not change the fact that the UI looks like something from a game in alpha or running in debug mode when developing it.
· Lot of random extra mechanics (even before game starts) compared to other MOBAs which just makes it feel like an RTS again.
· I get that Dota was originally a mod for WOW 3 but every character design is just a WOW character and not in a good way.

In conclusion, I now think LoL has a good UI and that HotS should've taken over Dota as the other top down MOBA. Would just not recommend this to anyone trying to play a new MOBA. This is another genre of a game within itself. Try out Smite or Predecessor (Paragon) before this.
Posted 7 December, 2024. Last edited 7 December, 2024.
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55.5 hrs on record (3.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Not even slightly recommendable in its current alpha state. Fun for experimenting in arena but unplayable beyond that as there is no balancing in the slightest for any god or item yet. In a better state than the public test so hopefully by beta this is actually playable.

Animations and UI are horrendous too but game is alpha so that's to be expected.

Edit 1: Game keeps getting more unbalanced with each new update.
Posted 28 August, 2024. Last edited 21 September, 2024.
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13.7 hrs on record (6.9 hrs at review time)
Game is good but bad translation
Posted 19 July, 2024.
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52.4 hrs on record (21.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Games good but my god the UI is atrocious. Also why tf do we have to click log in to play? Why would we launch the game if not to play. Most random extra step I've ever seen.
Posted 30 June, 2024.
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1.5 hrs on record
This ♥♥♥♥ was not ready to be re-released yet which is impressive considering they already had the whole game 💀

Also long ass unskippable tutorial in 2024 really?
Posted 14 April, 2024.
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0.9 hrs on record (0.8 hrs at review time)
Combat system is actually quite fun but I think people dislike it because of how extremely linear the game is. Exploration pretty much is just take the left path to fight an optional boss or continue straight ahead to progress to the next linear hallway.

Story is definitely the best part of the story. And also makes up the majority of the gameplay given how quick you can beat each hallway level. Like Nier Automata but if it focused on rebuilding humanity. Bit too much yuri at times but given it's a JRPG with almost all girls that's a given.

Soundtrack is also pretty banging if you like techno dubstep with a few more experimental tracks here and there like MakeFlowerCrown();

I bought it at full price but would not recommend you do that. If on sale though definitely worth a buy.

It's a good game. I give it a gold star.
Posted 21 February, 2024.
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213.4 hrs on record (170.8 hrs at review time)
Horrid balancing issues but overall pretty fun game. Don't get why people hating that it's a gacha. Combat could improve beyond stun locking or getting sniped across map but that's every battle royale. The movement is fun enough to make up for it.

Biggest negatives are it has like 5 different currencies to unlock stuff for some reason and an absolute joke of a chat system. You can't type what would have a semblance of a bad word. Even like the word thought or anything with ho in it. You also need to press U then enter and stand still while typing (other games you can just click / and type while you move). Whoever passed that just needs to banned from making decisions not even kid platforms like Roblox do this.

Also no crossplay as a big battle royale game in 2024 is just ludicrous. They want to die to the competition.

Edit: Shame this game is going to die. They can't fix a simple mouse glitch that makes you not be able to aim all game after a whole year. AND hackers/cheaters still show up every now and then with infinite plus ultra spam and no cd.

Edit 2: So many Quality of Life things that would be simple to add and have been a staple in games for a decade now but missing. We can't run and type, access settings while in a match, or look at anything else while queuing.
Posted 3 February, 2024. Last edited 17 September, 2024.
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1.5 hrs on record
Don't know how this was one of my favorite games as a kid. The controls are absolute ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Fun enough gameplay though if on sale.
Posted 5 January, 2024.
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0.2 hrs on record
Probably a good game but full of bots when I tried it and not gonna grind up for hours just to not get queued with bots so nope.
Posted 13 October, 2023.
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58.8 hrs on record (35.3 hrs at review time)
Trails From Randy!
Posted 13 July, 2023.
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