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Neue Rezensionen von [OG] - Darth Hades

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13 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
1 Person fand diese Rezension lustig
11.5 Std. insgesamt
If you are buying it for the Rift Experience, I will hold off, The game is not optimized or even made for Rift. And I was very disappointed with the controls and the graphics tearing heavily on Rift. Yes this is early access, but If they are putting the Rift Tag on the game, then they better make it an experience worth that 19:99 bucks.

They need to greatly improve their HUD. I got this game due to the Rift Tag and ended up getting a bad head ache with all the screen tearing and surface water graphics messing up very often. Even in their release plans there is no mention of Rift, if you are not taking Rift support seriously please DO NOT put the rift tag :(. It creates a lot of Customer Dissat.
Verfasst am 18. Mai 2015.
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2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
7.4 Std. insgesamt (7.2 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Played a round of 150 turns, I am able to hold my own against Normal difficulty on my first game with just knowing Civ 5 basics.

Pros :
Before any numbers, QUEST, Quests are the best thing I love about Beyond Year, they sort of happen automatically if you just play the game, but each quest completion leads to a Quest decision this where you make simple choices to suite your strategy and there are a lot of them and they make you feel you are truly in control of how your Civ progress. Amazing subtle addition that bring a sense of depth to the game without adding complexicity.

1. Familiar, everything is familiar to Civ 5 making it an awesome expansion into the future title. Jump in and start playing without any long tutorials.
2. Aliens as Barbarians, but you have an option to co-exist with them and some choice and power struggles around the planet's alien life form. This simple addition makes the early game much more enjoyable than Civ 5.
3. Depots as City States, Trade with them get stuff, kill them to do City State style quests etc. Very similar nothing new but some added perks to trade first.
4. Military Combat as Military Combat.., Familiar but Improved, upgrading units is a hassle, but the choice complexity is welcome and Armies can be defensive, Offensive or a Mix if done well. More options around building army comps.
5. Virtues, Old WOW Talent tree!, the mid level perks for getting 5 on one tree etc are great additions and creates awesome combinations to try out.

Before any numbers, I know some of these will be address or expanded in the coming expansions but these are my impressions for the released game as it is.

Why the orbital view ? what is it doing ? I love the concept but satelites that orbit, die after n turns and provide buffs to an area ? An entirely different view for Orbital items and a set of perks that help them. I get the futuristic idea of able to send probes to help the planet from orbit but some better game play around it would have been great. Like Orbital Combat ! Orbital Bombardment. May be its there I have not reached it yet. But the Orbital view seems like an overkill for a simple buff system.

1. Tech Graph is very confusing and yes it provides a great way to progress non-linear but the leafs + nodes concept makes the UI very hard to read, there needs to be a level of zoom in that explains the nodes better. Missed a lot of upgrades and an suggestion on the tech graph would be great too.
2. No Generals or Great Person, I loved this on Civ 5 something to look forward to and makes things enjoyable, may be they will bring it on an expansion later.
3. Miasma is a Pain ! Dont see why it was added and it feels like a annoyance rather than a game play shifter. Don't Clean my Miasma and no one can attack me without they standing on poison!.
4. Wonders are impossible to find on the Tech Graph, Please show Wonders differently !

With all the Cons I would still recommend the game just because it plays well and the quality of the game is good. An Civ fan will love it.

And beware of the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ siege worm !!!!!!!!!!
Verfasst am 24. Oktober 2014.
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11 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
55.9 Std. insgesamt (16.6 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
I played the game in the Early Access program and was expecting a lot of great things with the Space and Terraria Mix. They Delivered on the Space aspect well, the Space Ship per player and Home Planet concepts are great for personalized worlds. But I don't recommend the game yet as the Developers don't understand the concept of Early Access, Early Access doesn't mean a game with P0 issues. For Example, You could lose a Character you were playing for 100 Hours along with everything you did with the character.

Happened to me and I stopped the playing the game, Its been more than month and it is still in that stage, Beta 1, You-culd-lose-your-character stage of development. The Game costs 15 Dollars, much higher than the polished Terraria, The Game should be removed from Sales until the game is ready to play without loss of Character or serious bugs such as permanent data loss.

The Game made a lot of money by selling a lot of copies early, now I dont think the developers take it serious enough to complete the game fast. A month on the same Beta without progress is unacceptable. I would love my money back, but they pasted a tag on the game as Early Access. It's a good game, but the developers released a totally unfinished prototype and made a lot of money. The Game is NOT ready for Early Access Stage.

The Early access description reads "In this first stage of the beta process you may experience some bugs, crashes or compatibility issues" which is far from the truth. Put "Potential Character Loss" in BLOCK Letters in your Early access story, Lets see if people buy it then.
Verfasst am 26. Januar 2014.
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Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
9,023.8 Std. insgesamt (3,274.3 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
A game that is the worst MOBA, All solo queues are bad, it like a lottery where you might get good player or worst ♥♥♥♥ players. Don't play this game and ruin your life, Dont put one cent on this game. It is an evil, destructive and cancer filled community. This game should be petitioned to be shut down because of the of the Vile community and the amount of time it is making people waste.

A Solo MMR number, thats all it took for everyone to hate each other and say they are the best, the chances of you becoming a pro gamer is non-existant. The Prize money you see in tournaments can only be achieve by having Dota 2 as a Day job. Don't be fooled by the large prize money of the International, You are more likely to be hit by lightning that win an International.

Check your life's time wasted on this game, 1000 ? 2000 ? 3000 ?, 3000 hours is 125 non stop days of Dota 2, Thats 4 months !. Think of the things you could have with 4 month of no Dota and normal life ? The Game is a time consuming, youth destroying, violence inducing beast that lowers people to a state below humanity, where your partner who was with you talking friendly at the start of the game, curses your family 10 minutes into the game.

Valve, Solo MMR is amazing for pro players where their life is Dota 2. Where they want to spend hours on end practicing Dota 2, Or to the few who can play the game regardly of their team mates by playing the same hero 1000s of times !

Reporting the player for making the community better... Everyone is like this, and reporting doesn't help. I have been on Low Pri only twice, And I feel people in Low Pri are better than people on the Ranked MMR.

Guys, Stop playing Dota 2, It is worse than WOW, atleast in WOW you have a guild that can make your visit to the game worth while. Don't play it with friends as for sure you will lose them in the long run.

Again Stop playing Dota 2, See the difference in your life and character.

For the people who think I am raging, well thats what I expect from Dota 2 Community,

For people who think I have been playing the game with wrong people, well I played with almost all types and everyone loses their mind when it comes to Dota 2.

For people who think that I am quiting, Ofc I am ! If you want to continue wasting your time pointlessly playing the game thinking one day you will become a Pro gamer, I urge you to continue, thats one less person I dont have to worry about in real life. When you are dying on your death bed tell your grand kids that you succeeded in nothing.

Rate this, Bring it to other who believe that this game is a cancer on humanity.
Verfasst am 18. August 2012. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 28. Juli 2014.
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Ergebnisse 1–4 von 4