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6.4 Std. insgesamt
还不错吧 有点意思
Verfasst am 21. November 2023.
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10.6 Std. insgesamt (9.8 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
游戏是一个很好玩的游戏 但是我还是要给一个差评 真的很搞人心态 引导玩家下一步的步骤差的要死 每次都是原地打转 不知道要干什么 好多东西不知道去哪里获得 一点提示也没有 现在我通关了 打过了最后一个boss 但是不能开飞船回地球 提示的是燃料不够 我一路过来也没让我收集燃料啊 然后我去找燃料 也没有指引 怎么去搜集呢 就漫无目的的在图里乱逛 真的很无语 跳跃键也是 要不就是跳过头了 要不就是跳的短了没上去 玩的心情一点也不好.The game is a very fun game, but I still have to give a bad review. It’s really annoying. The mentality guides the player’s next steps. It’s so bad that it’s dead every time. I don’t know what to do, there are so many things, and I don’t know where to get some tips. No. Now I have cleared the level and beat the last boss, but I can’t drive the spaceship back to Earth. The warning is that there is not enough fuel. I didn’t let me collect fuel all the way. Then I went to find fuel and there was no guidance on how to collect it. It was aimless. Wandering around in the picture is really speechless
Verfasst am 18. November 2022.
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4 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
1 Person fand diese Rezension lustig
17.9 Std. insgesamt (9.9 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
很好玩的一款游戏 唯一不足的地方就是引导性太差 地图好多地方根本不知道怎么走 耽误了很多时间 但是感觉也就这一个缺点了 玩法非常新颖 这次打折入手的不亏 一直都想买的 地图太精美了 画质开的全高 各种场景很震撼 优化上还有一点不足 就是每次打开地图 还有工具界面 会有卡顿 画面掉帧感 正常玩的时候就不会 估计还是没有优化好 非常推荐入手 玩了很多游戏了 但是这个控制带来的新鲜感还是很多 无论从地图还有玩法还有很爽的打击感 控制真的是一个很好玩的游戏!The only shortcoming of a very fun game is that the guidance is too poor. There are many places on the map that I don’t know how to get around. It takes a lot of time, but I feel that this is the only shortcoming. The map is too beautiful, the picture quality is full-height, and the various scenes are very shocking. There is still one shortcoming in optimization. Every time you open the map and the tool interface, there will be a frame drop feeling. It is recommended to start playing a lot of games, but the freshness brought by this control is still a lot. No matter from the map, the gameplay, and the cool feeling of hitting, the control is really a very fun game.
Verfasst am 13. November 2022.
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37 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
2 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
7.2 Std. insgesamt (2.8 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
抛开别的不讲,游戏是一个好游戏,我一直都喜欢玩恐怖游戏,库存里面几乎一半都是恐怖游戏。这次的体验感还是蛮好的,剧情虽然也比较常规可以猜到,里面的道具也都是以前玩过和见过的,但是画质很好,观感很棒,给人心理上的压力很大很强,这点非常好,氛围感做的很棒。但是玩到现在有一些地方还是很让人恼火,一个是用鼠标键盘玩的话,开门开柜子都非常的麻烦,感觉没力气一样,要很大幅度的移动鼠标键盘才可以打开门或者柜子,还有就是关卡提示太少了,雕像旁边那个会自动打开的门卡了我很久,搜了攻略玩了很久才发现是房间的一个像照片一样的东西没拿,但是游戏里面基本东西都是拿起来看一下放回去,有很多没注意到需要捡起拿上的,所以没拿上东西就不能触发后面的剧情导致卡关让人很难受,那个东西又是在柜子的一个小角落里,所以我只是拿起来看了一下并没有收下,而且这个游戏手上拿满了10个就拿不下了还需要去储物柜去存储,真的有够无语的。还有就是游戏优化很差,我的配置是11700k+3060TI玩比这个配置要求高的游戏都非常流畅,但是玩这个游戏却很卡,60帧的感觉画面撕裂,优化真的很差。总体来说这游戏还是很值得喜欢恐怖游戏的人玩的,买了不亏,比大部分的恐怖游戏要好了,还是可以的,所以我没退款。Putting aside other things, the game is a good game, I always like to play horror games, almost half of the inventory is horror games. This experience is still quite good, although the plot is more conventional can be guessed, the props are also previously played and seen, but the picture quality is very good, the sense of view is great, giving people a lot of psychological pressure is very strong, this is very good, the sense of atmosphere is doing great. But play now there are some places or very annoying, one is to play with the mouse keyboard, open the door to open the cabinet are very troublesome, feel the same lack of strength, to move the mouse keyboard very substantially to open the door or cabinet, there is too little level tips, the statue next to the door will automatically open the card for a long time, search the strategy to play a long time to find a room like a photo of something did not take, but the game inside the basic things are picked up to see put back, there are many did not notice the need to pick up to take on, so did not take on something can not trigger the plot of the later led to the card off to make people very difficult, the thing is in a small corner of the cabinet, so I just picked up a look and did not receive, and the game hands to take full 10 can not take also need to go to the locker to Storage, really have enough speechless. There is also the game optimization is very poor, my configuration is 11700k + 3060TI play than this configuration requirements of the game are very smooth, but play this game is very card, 60 frames feel the screen tear, optimization is really poor. Overall this game is still worth playing for people who like horror games, buy not lose, better than most of the horror games, or can, so I did not refund.
Verfasst am 16. August 2022.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
11.0 Std. insgesamt (8.8 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
真的很好玩 有很多创新的玩法 自从It Takes Two之后玩到的另一个有趣好玩的作品了 故事也很饱满清晰 很感人 就是流程稍微的短了一些如果再长一些就好了 就是说没玩够 画面非常的精美 画质好的感人 希望以后的游戏可以看齐 很多互动的点很温馨也很好玩 几乎每个npc都可以互动 操作也不困难 每个关卡也不是很困难 用心动点脑子都可以通过 结尾好像还留了点小悬念 要是还能有第二部就好啦 这个预购买的不亏!这游戏真的好玩!It's really fun and there are many innovative gameplays. Another interesting and fun work I've played since It Takes Two. The story is also very full, clear and touching. The process is a little shorter. The picture is very beautiful and the picture quality is very touching. I hope that the future games can be in line with many interactive points. It is very warm and fun. Almost every NPC can interact and operate and it is not difficult. It seems that there is still a little suspense, if there is a second part, it's not a loss for the pre-purchase! This game is really fun!
Verfasst am 24. Juli 2022.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
2.5 Std. insgesamt
我只能说整体还可以,有点偏向于闯关冒险类的小游戏,这个价格属实是有点高了,画风还是很不错的,估计很多人很多人都是冲着画风去买的。整体的流程很短,一些稍微动点脑子就可以过的关卡,设定还可以比较有意思一点,但是两个小时的流程,僵硬的操控感,我觉得不太行,而且比较单调一直是一种模式去玩,到了后面很没意思,没有玩下去的动力。I can only say that the overall is ok, a little biased towards the small game of the adventure game. The price is a bit high, and the style of the painting is still very good. It is estimated that many people buy it for the style of the painting. The overall process is very short, some levels that can be passed with a little brain movement, the setting can be a little more interesting, but the two-hour process, the rigid control feeling, I think it is not very good, and it is relatively monotonous. It has always been a mode Going to play, it's boring at the back, and there is no motivation to play.
Verfasst am 3. Juni 2022.
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6.1 Std. insgesamt (4.6 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
感觉不是很偏向恐怖的游戏 玩了一半 感觉没我之前玩的恐怖游戏好玩 像是一个在叙述故事的游戏 没感受到恐怖的氛围 像是在解谜在还原一件事情 还是喜欢玩逃生 layers of fear还有mists of aiden这种类型的恐怖游戏 而且跑任务太久了 地图又大 一直来回来路上都快睡着了 期待值太高了 画质还算可以 小bug也有转视角的时候有时候卡卡的 现在只能期待一下愿望单里的另一个尸检模拟器怎么样了吧
It doesn't feel like a very scary game. I've played half of it. It's not as fun as the horror game I played before. It's like a game that tells a story. I don't feel the terrifying atmosphere. I'm solving a puzzle. There are also horror games of the type of mists of aiden, and the task is too long to run, the map is too big, I almost fell asleep on the way back and forth, the expectation value is too high The only thing to look forward to now is another autopsy simulator on the wishlist.
Verfasst am 26. Februar 2022. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 26. Februar 2022.
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Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
30.9 Std. insgesamt (24.4 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
真的挺好玩的一个游戏 但是有一个bug真的无语 那个起重机还是吊车的bug真的吐了 死在上面多少次了 移动一下就乱窜 根本控制不了 导致一个任务做了无数次 每次都是上 到吊车移动的时候人飞了 各种死 乱跳穿模控制不了 好好修一下可以吗 这么久的游戏了 一个简单的bug 总体是真的非常好玩 但是这个太影响体验和心态了 我还是要给你个Z差评
Verfasst am 4. Dezember 2021.
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2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
21.0 Std. insgesamt (14.6 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
真滴好玩 剧情代入感很强 开车的时候看地图会有bug有点烦 其他没啥 希望有好心人给我买dlc 怎么dlc这么贵
Verfasst am 15. November 2021.
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