holy fucking rat
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I first saw this game and was skeptical of the strange graphics and strange everything really. However I had some extra pocket change from buying games and decided why not. I was certainly in for a treat.

Not let me get the cons before going into the pros just to get them out of the way

-The Sounds

Sounds is few and far between when it comes to this. Guns, voice acting and certain sounds that must be activated and one song that plays everytime a new day comes and pig noises/ splatter from the gore. So sometimes you can get hit from pigs that you wouldn't have known were there unless you used your eyes and which I have almost died many atimes from this issue. However for 60 percent of the time you will be running and gunning. There really is no bg music but that isn't that bad as you could put some music of metal or something.

-The Graphics.
While yes the graphics isn't on par of that of modern games but given the price I'd say it's fine. However i'm fairly certain that a potato that was gutted would be able to run this. Which is certainly a good thing.

-Replay value / Things to do.
I felt these things are very similar so I put them in one. As you can probably tell it isn't a huge game by all means. I've only played two hours and almost unlocked everything in the game on day 30. While it may bring in a new enemy every week or so and have bosses there really isn't much to say about the unlocks as each are as basic and basic goes and once you unlocked all the items then it just get's a bit boring and may need breaks to get to the high plains. As I Said im perhaps a quarter through and I have almost all the unlocks.

Things to do is once again few and far between. There are several options to kill the boars and use them for personal gain. First is probably going to be the most used is the grinder. The grinder is essentually you currency. The way it works is if you kill a boar you can shove it's body by melee or by running over it if it exploded in peices. It will grind the peices and suck in anynear by giblets that were once the pigs. The grinded meat can be used to make items such as ammo. In which I will go on about it in my positive side. But for now you get the concept.

Next is the electric fence. This is probably going to be your least used. The Electric fence is a fence that is posted in a circle in the middle of the map and can be activated by a switch on a wall of a small shack. This basically makes it so anything that is in the circle and or in the rims of the electricity will be made into bacon. The good thing is that it is good to killing a group of boars but it will turn into a statue of ash and will break apart when touched. When using the fence you cannot use the remains of the boar for items like ammo as it needs blood to charge. I usually use it once a game a day and never touch it again. Also. The skeleton boars aren't affected by the fence. cos you know....They dont have flesh.

The water pump

The water pump is your only source of health and is limited to the amount of uses it can have. So using it when you most need it is vital. However there are two pumps. If one runs out then another can be used but be warned once you use it up you cannot heal any longer.

You might be thinking Is that all? Yes. yes it is. This game is very, very, very small but I can see that future improvements could be made.

Now on to the pros.

- Gameplay.
This game is ♥♥♥♥ stinkingly fun. I never knew how fun it could be shooting pigs and boars before untill I played this. While it is very small it is very fun on it's own. Bringing in silly bosses, mini bosses and strange boars and pigs that you may have never thought could be a thing until now. I love it.

-Grinder Rewards

As explained flesh apeases the machine and gives you items for slaying and inserting the flesh of the pigs and boars.
But it gives more that just that.

Grenades are the second unlock you get from this and dosen't take much to get it. However it is equally the most useless out of the rest of them as the rest as some passive or gives ammo. However the grenade can be used to cook (If you ever played cod or really any game with grenades where you can hold them to wait the timers) to get a better chance on hitting your target but in my opinion it is one of the worst items on there.

Boars milk is basically a speed boost which can be awesome at times and makes it easier to dodge targets like minibosses.

I forgot the names of the rest but there are stuff that makes melee damage basically insta kill non boss characters and ect.

-The story.
The story is quite funny and makes no sense but because game.

The story goes like this. There is a farmer who has been betrayed by his pigs and boars as they pinned him by the wall by pitchfork and knawed off his left foot. So he wants to get revenge by supplying you with weapons to destroy them with.

(Also shoot the guy so he talk but make sure he talks per hit so let him finish his dailog before shooting again and he will give you a suprise ;} )

Yes, it's a thing. Never tried it but it is certainly a thing.

-Dosen't break the bank
This could easily be a 5 dollar game is it had a bit more to it. However it is only a single dollar. In this case it is worth every penny.


For god sake you are killing pigs with aks, revolvers and even paint ball guns. What isn't there to like about this?

Silly, cute and funny. The bosses can be difficult at first but can be easily defeated. However bosses take a bit more than just blap blap shoot bang. As key areas can mean more damage.

- Revenge Day
Tired of the relentless pain the pigs have caused you? Do you just wanna slaughter the ♥♥♥♥ outta pigs in an over kill of a match? One day per week which is at the end of the week a thing called revenge day comes. You have infinate ammo, Explosive rounds, and insta explode anything that moves. This is great for farming blood in the grinder for (Practically) free items. Also if you shoot an exploded peice of a boar you can shoot it up in the air and juggle it by continuously shooting it and if you keep it up for a certain amount of time it will explode into fire works. This can be done easily on revenge day. You dont get much but pride on how long and how far you got it to go up before it exploded.

There is more to explain but it seems if I went further than I would ramble on about how this is actually quite good for it's price.

I give this game an 8/10 piggies.
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