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지난 2주간 0.2시간 / 기록상 3,294.7시간 (평가 당시 820.5시간)
게시 일시: 2019년 12월 20일 오후 6시 53분

CS:GO 평가
fun game, just dont hack
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댓글 1
Sherlock Holmes 2021년 4월 7일 오후 8시 59분 
Classy guys right here. Joins with 3 buddies, 2 then leave for some BS reason. After simaltaniously not caring and trying like a pro, this POS decides he's over me for some reason and instead of muting my callouts, just decides to kick me. I mean, I'm sure you're whatever fucking level in faceit or something. With that attitude, I'm sure you get really far in life. Trash negative nancy.