Romulus 14 Aug, 2020 @ 8:40pm 
Hey! Just wanted to stop by and thank you for sucking my penis the other day, haha! I know you do this very often with other guys so I might not be special, but I was very happy after you complimented the amount of ♥♥♥♥♥ that came upon your delicate face, you're a real sweetheart! Keep up the work, if I need any jacking of the good old sledgehammer, as I call it, I'll come to you! Haha! Anyways, have a nice day! ^-^
Romulus 17 Apr, 2017 @ 4:33pm 
mow it
FabioniMacaroni 17 Apr, 2017 @ 4:01pm 
mow your lawn
FabioniMacaroni 17 Apr, 2017 @ 4:01pm 
mow your lawn
FabioniMacaroni 17 Apr, 2017 @ 4:01pm 
mow your lawn
FabioniMacaroni 17 Apr, 2017 @ 4:01pm 
mow your lawn
FabioniMacaroni 17 Apr, 2017 @ 4:01pm 
mow your lawn
FabioniMacaroni 17 Apr, 2017 @ 4:01pm 
mow your lawn
Romulus 28 Dec, 2016 @ 7:20pm 
\.- //--------\\ -,/
-\v/---------- \v/
//_\\_____ //_\\
'----\\----- //----`
------\\-- //

Send this SHEKEL to everyone you care about including me if you care. C how many times you get this, if you get 6,000,000 your A TRUE SCHLOMO
Romulus 9 Jul, 2016 @ 10:44am 
Post this windmill on 5 other profiles to keep Steam properly air conditioned
Choso 16 Jun, 2016 @ 2:43pm 
If you want to ERP with me, please PM me, as I've decided I'm not good with group chats as I'm terrible with starting up the fun. That, and I would rather ERP one-on-one with a girl instead of in a group chat where other people can ruin the fun.

Fetishes I Love: Pregnant Girls, Girls with swollen round bellies, Unbirth, Crossbreeding, Vore(only if the female's the predator, the vore is soft, there's no digestion, and I get to cuddle with the swollen belly), ♥♥♥ Inflation, Rapid Impregnation, Girls moaning softly while rubbing their swollen, gurgling bellies.
Fetishes I Hate: Mpreg, TG, Scat, Watersports, Futa, Male Expansion/Vore, Flabby Bellies(I only like smooth, round, pregnant-looking bellies).
Dom :3
Extra Notes: The scales beneth his fur are similar in appearance to Heisei Godzilla's. His ♥♥♥♥ is just like a horse's, black and long, usually 24 inches long and 12 inches in diameter.
M0rtius 29 Apr, 2016 @ 9:06pm 
young metro dont trust you im gonna shoot you
dracula 2 Apr, 2016 @ 2:35pm 
+Rep Quick trading process
Expee 1 Apr, 2016 @ 9:17pm 
++Rep i went first in trading my vulcan he went through with payment.
Pepero 10 Jan, 2016 @ 7:33pm 
+rep, faster and friendly trader!