C F   Austin, Texas, United States
Item Showcase
Ballanadar 11 Mar @ 10:12am 
let's team up again
Pelace 19 Feb @ 11:28am 
Excellent shot
Bot Donald 6 Feb @ 2:36pm 
I hope your nails fall out and you won't be able to play CS anymore, green
Shaktitaxe🎮 28 Dec, 2024 @ 12:26pm 
+rep peak performer
qrz 20 Jan, 2022 @ 10:14pm 
+rep decent kisser
rizy 9 Feb, 2020 @ 9:58pm 
I've done a lot of testing over the past 5-6 years and I've come to the conclusion that Sativa heavy strains of marijuana tend to increase my performance in CS:GO. These results are gathered just from my personal gameplay and preferences so this may not apply to everyone. Just thought I would share the strains that increased performance the most for me.

Look for strains such as these @ your local dispesary/dealer:

Sour Diesel
Blue Dream
Jack Herer
Super Silver Haze
White Widow
Maui Waui
Durban Poison
Kali Mist
Strawberry Cough
Silver Haze
Power Plant
Lemon Diesel
Green Spirit

All these provide more of a head-high which gave me with a more focused sense of gameplay. Zoning into the crosshair becomes easier and I also noticed more patience when shooting. I would shoot when the crosshair was on the player more often and noticed less spraying. More of a f0rest type gameplay after smoking these strains.