Panama, Panama
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MT. FUJI 12.45PM
Couldn't say you didn't want me then when we were
Lying in my bed that night
You were acting like a different person as if suddenly
You wanted to just be friends
I was hurt and so I took a shower so you couldn't hear
Me, knowing I had to cry
Sad to know that while my heart was breaking you were
Sleeping or just faking...
It's leading me on, every time we touch
Leading me on, every time it hurts
Feeling so lonely because it's not enough
Missing you only ever since we fell in love

-CAS. :8bitheart:
Ace :D 29 Apr, 2024 @ 8:34pm 
u poop
peN^ 21 May, 2020 @ 2:19pm 
+Rep Pro Player.
LuanHyx 4 Mar, 2018 @ 10:13am 
- esse cara e viado mas é meu amigo :Karaboom:
LuanHyx 18 Jan, 2018 @ 9:37am 
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. . . . . . .' - .......-` HOLA BABY
LuanHyx 19 Dec, 2017 @ 8:27am 
Ya prro, deja te explico, estaba yo chingandome un gansito con Big-Cola cuando veo este enorme perfíl y pos no mames we, que buen pinche glorioso, majestuoso, virtuoso, perfíl, este no es un perfíl cualquiera, escúchame bien lince místico de las gélidas y rocosas montañas de Erebor, potenciado con polvo cósmico y kriptonita, es un P E R F I L A Z O la puta madre.
Está tan exquisito este increíble perfíl que me hizo ahogarme con mi bebida y me curó de los tres tipos de cáncer que tenía, ahora puedo escuchar los colores gracias a la calidad de este manjar digno de todos los putos dioses que existieron, existen y existirán.

No te doy +10, ni +100, mucho menos +1000, te doy un +1,000,000,000,000 tucán místico y a favoritos.
LuanHyx 9 Dec, 2017 @ 6:23pm 
mi puta :steammocking::steamhappy: