Cervantes   Brazil
Favourite games/series: Panzer Dragoon, Ninja Gaiden, Mega Man, NiGHTS, Mirror's Edge, Tomb Raider, Bayonetta and anything awesome enough.

Favourite internet show: Classic Game Room HD. Especially when the games have flamethrowers.

Favourite achievement ever completed by humankind: THE SEGA SATURN. Humanity won't get more awesome than that.

Classic Game Room HD [www.classicgameroom.com]
Classic Game Room forums! [classicgameroom.freeforums.net]
Vitrine des succès les plus rares
pcbl4ckw1ngz 15 mai 2011 à 22h58 
Ah, you're a fan of InecomCompany? Join our group, FromNerdLandLive.com! There are six CGR fans: myself (pcbl4ckw1ngz), Omegawolf8, Doctor Feelgud, Contreramanjaro, Mikey Radical!, and Loophunt. We're all from the forums.