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8.8 hrs on record
Tekken as a franchise has been a lot of fun with all the extra modes in the games. Especially the solo experience modes that is more a traditional story mode compared to the games base ladder like campaign mode. So it was such a shame finding out that all that Tekken 7 offers for singleplayer players is a short ladder like campaign mode, and survival mode.

The visual customization in Tekken 7 is nice and wacky, there’s a lot of items that can be applied to all the fighters which as per usual is a lot of fun to see here.

And… that’s about all I can talk about regarding the game, as the other elements aren’t worth talking about in detail. The combat is still the same as previous Tekken games, so if you liked that feeling then you will be glad to hear it still plays like that.

The roster has been expanded quite a bit with DLC releases , but I feel like it isn’t really worth the money compared to other fighting games DLC characters, Bandai overpriced their DLCs a bit here.

There’s a whole new gamemode which is hilariously a bowling game, but in order to play that you need to buy the affiliated DLC…

As such I rate Tekken 7 a 3/5, I like really like fighting games but Tekken 7 was a disappointment with the lack of singleplayer content.
Posted 3 January.
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1.8 hrs on record
This was a really relaxing exploration game, very very chilled experience with relaxing gameplay and visuals. The game put me in a state of zen when playing it, it’s just so peaceful and pretty.

The game generically consists of puzzles and finding collectables throughout the run. But its hands down the visuals and atmosphere that carries this experience and makes it an amazing game to play if you just want to chill and relax.

I rate ABZÛ 3.5/5 , if you want to play a chill game then I’d recommend giving ABZÛ a go, if you just want blood and gore then yeah… this wouldn’t be for you.
Posted 3 January.
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0.0 hrs on record
The Lost On Mars DLC was a nice unique experience, they did a lot of unique things here that made this a must own DLC. You play in a whole new area, with new enemy types, a unique story and landscape, oh and a bunch of scifi weapons. It wasn’t as over the top as an experience as the zombie DLC but this is still a really fun DLC. I rate it 3.5/5.
Posted 3 January.
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0.0 hrs on record
The Dead Living Zombies DLC was a lot of fun :) if you already own the base game then I would whole heatedly recommend getting this DLC above the rest. The setting is a quirky zombie movie, so there’s a few cuts, and weird stuff that happens that can only happen in a set up like this. I thoroughly enjoyed this DLC. As a DLC i would rate it a 4/5, definitely worth it :).
Posted 3 January.
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0.0 hrs on record
What do you expect from this? Because if your expecting a generic Vietnam war like experience then yeah… your absolutely right. This DLC doesn’t really add anything new or exciting but if what you want is more FarCry 5 and your cool with or want a Vietnam experience then this is definitely a DLC for you. For me however this was a mediocre generic war experience, not AMAZING but not a bad experience either. As such I rate the Hours of Darkness DLC 2.5/5.
Posted 3 January.
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11.3 hrs on record
The first time I ever played this game was in 2017, so don’t expect an amazing score from me. The games graphics is quite dated but the overall feeling and gameplay of the game still holds up quite nicely, there a few taboo fps things in the game like the platforming which devs mostly know doesn’t work well in a fps game.

The world of Half Life is quite fun to play through, the laboratory sections, the military camp areas, and the alien world sections were all equally fun to play through. The military camp sections felt the most out of place though, but that’s fine.

The gameplay is nice, the physics is more wacky than realistic with where we are today, but its still hell of a lot better than no physics and Half Life is the reason we are where we are today with physics in games. The variety of weapons are fine, but nothing that will blow you away or leave you saying “oh wow that’s cool” as its mainly generic weaponry.

The story was fun to experience, the puzzles were for the most part fun as well. The only negative I have to say about the game is that its quite old by now haha, and that the final boss was a pain to beat on the hardest difficulty haha.

Seeing as the game is quite old now I think my review score should be more focused on what I would have given it back in the day. As such I give Half Life 1 a 4/5, its a good game, but in my books it isn’t a MUST PLAY experience. At least not the original, I will see with time if the fan remake is worthy of MUST PLAY status.
Posted 3 January.
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9.8 hrs on record
If I remember correctly the games initial trailed held some sort of record regarding dislikes on Youtube. I find this fact quite funny in retrospect because this is probably the COD game I enjoyed the most so far. The departure from the generic military setup was a nice breath of fresh air for me and I was able to say that COD Infinite Warfare was a really fun game, without having to say “It was a fun COD game” because it could be enjoyed as a normal game.

The game has a nice hub through which you initiate missions and even side missions. The robot that joins you throughout the experience made the game feel so much better than the otheres IMO. And the gameplay with the futuristic setting was a lot of fun.

Without having to compare it to anything for once I can outright just say this was a fun FPS and I would recommend you to check it out if you like FPS games, and/or SciFi ish games. I give COD Infinite Warfare 4/5.
Posted 3 January.
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3.4 hrs on record
Hamrik is a very unique platformer, I thoroughly enjoyed playing through the game and learning its mechanics.

Don’t be fooled with the initial appearance of the game, its in essence a gory, action packed platformer where you need to traverse platforms of words that you can interact with the solve puzzles or kill enemies.

The story of the game was quite unique and fun to experience. The gameplay was tight and imaginative. It has a fair price point for the amount of content present in the game. And other than that there isn’t much more to say. I rate Haimrik 3.5/5, it’s a fun, short, cheap, unique experience :).
Posted 2 January.
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1.9 hrs on record
Shelter is in essence a walking sim with companions that follow you. Sounds fun right? Haha. In all honesty I didn’t really enjoy the game much, there were some tense moments and the game does have gameplay at least. But it just wasn’t for me.

Seeing as the game has a sequel there must be people that really enjoy this. I’m unfortunately not one of those. As much as I hate giving games bad reviews I’m forced to give Shelter a negative review as it was simply boring for me and I had to force myself to play it until the end.

I rate Shelter 2/5, it’s by no means a horrible game, it was just to boring a game for me personally. And I didn’t see the enjoyment factor in it, throughout the experience I was more frustrated that I was entertained.
Posted 2 January.
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9.1 hrs on record
This was one hell of a experience. I thoroughly enjoyed COD WW2’s campaign and would recommend it to all FPS fans as it was a really well crafted experience. The gunplay is amazing and feels just so damn good, the story progression was quite nice and just worked.

I spent about 8 and a half hours playing through the campaign on the hardest difficulty, oooh boy was it a fun experience. There weren’t really frustrating points where I would try and fail multiple times and had to take a break, so it was a really pleasant experience on the hardest difficulty.

I can’t comment on the multiplayer content as I’m not someone that has time to play the same maps over and over with pvp as the sole crutch for the experience.

I review COD WWII 4/5, the campaign is a lot of fun and I would definitely recommend getting it for whatever price you think would justify a 8 and a half hour experience for you.
Posted 2 January.
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