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Upplagd: 28 dec, 2020 @ 16:59
Uppdaterad: 18 feb @ 10:22

Okay, forget the bugs, forget the console BS, forget everything surface level. I'm going to tell you exactly why this game is a massive pile of lies.
Every single thing that was promised through the marketing is either outright not in the game, or is hopelessly underdone, and the various bits and bobs you do get here are very poorly done.

V is NOT the main character here. After the first few hours this becomes "The Johnny Silverhand Show" and everything starts revolving around him. If you're obsessed with Keanu Reeves, you'll probably enjoy it, but if you were expecting a deep and branching storyline you'll be sorely disappointed.

Pretty much every piece of gear you get will have totally random stats. This goes both for container loot, enemy loot, and even crafted gear. It feels less like a proper RPG, and more like you're playing Borderlands. It's not the worst thing in the world, but it feels very out of place and leads to constantly changing out your gear after every fight. Your loadout will never have any sort of permanence.

The lifepath system that was so heavily anticipated is totally pointless. The first ten minutes of the game are unique, but then the entire rest of your playthrough will be identical no matter what lifepath you chose. You'll occasionally get some extra dialog options, but they amount to flavor text and nothing else.

You get 4 options total, but can only access 2 per playthrough depending on V's gender. The romancable characters are pretty well written, but the sheer lack of variety is disappointing.

Very lacking here too. The character creator is lackluster, even compared to much older games, and you have no option to alter your appearance later in the game. Clothing, weapon and vehicle appearance is completely out of your hands. If you want to look like a cyborg, too bad. You get to be a plain jane human with some lines on your skin if you want.

I could keep going ad nauseum, but I think I've said enough here. It's not a bad game, but it is NOT the game we were promised at all.

So, it's been a while. Plenty of updates, and many more hours of playtime have gone by, and frankly these words are long overdue. Do some of my original points still stand? Yes, absolutely. However, considering the No Man's Sky degree of glow-up this game has received, I'm willing to overlook my previous gripes. I respect all the extra work that CDPR has put into this project, and I can confidently say this has risen into my top 10 favorite games.
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