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The Stig 5 Oct, 2017 @ 12:46am 
“Futuere” is the infinitive form of the verb, meaning 'To ♥♥♥♥,' the imperative form, acting as a command would be 'Futue.' You are likely confusing “Futuere” with the passive infinitive which shares its form and would mean ;Be ♥♥♥♥♥♥,' but that is only used with deponent verbs, and “Futuere” is not deponent. “Vacca stulta” is correctly in the vocative.
The Stig 5 Oct, 2017 @ 12:45am 
The 'et,' literally meaning 'and,' doesn't change the meaning of the sentence but it is not necessary to include it. It does imply a certain sequence of events occurring prior to the action expressed in your first sentence, so if you were intending to reply to my sentence by saying “And soon...” it would make that clear, but lacking such an intention on your part 'et' is not needed. A “Moecha Putida,” while potentially meaning dirty slut, carries somewhat higher class connotations. A 'moecha' is more like a mistress or a woman of high or middle status having an affair with a man. This was quite common in classical Rome and a 'moecha' would've been looked upon much more favorably. A more direct word would be 'lupa,' literally meaning 'she-wolf' or scortrix, literally a 'woman who sells herself.' Both are used to refer to prostitutes in Plautus and Petronius.
The Stig 5 Oct, 2017 @ 12:45am 
So “irrumatus” doesn't mean ♥♥♥♥, the word would be 'phallus', which literally means an erect penis. Additionally, the word here is an example of a perfect passive participle, which is a construction with both verbal and adjectival qualities usually translated as 'having been' or simply in the past tense. Here, you have it in the masculine singular nominative, so to agree with “comedent” it should be 'irrumati.' The “nt” ending in “comedent” is the 3rd person plural conjugation, meaning 'They eat, consume, devour, etc.' 'Comedes' would be the correct 2nd person singular future tense active voice indicative mood conjugation.
The Stig 4 Oct, 2017 @ 11:04pm 
Mox et comedent irrumati, moecha putida. Futue, vacca stulta. This is corrected in terms of grammar, but the first sentence doesn't make much sense. Literally translated, it would be "And soon having sucked the breat they will eat, stupid mistress. ♥♥♥♥(as in like have sex, not like ♥♥♥♥ you), stupid cow." That said, the meaning mostly comes across, even if there are clear mistakes. 7/10 shows potential
The Stig 4 Oct, 2017 @ 8:46pm 
Mox plane cenabo in ano tuo.
izzy uwu 25 Dec, 2013 @ 10:32am 
I get a badge for doing this