有 13 人觉得这篇评测有价值
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发布于:2019 年 10 月 26 日 上午 11:06

I love this game. It's everything I hoped it would be when I backed the Kickstarter.

The low-poly graphics, the ambient nature sounds, the satisfying CRUNCH when you crash... it's all great.

The bike physics feel really smooth, and when you get going fast it actually feels a little bit dangerous.

You're going to read some reviews mentioning that the camera is too close and you can't see where you're going. The camera is maybe a bit too close, but that's not as big a deal as you would think. I am typically a very average gamer, and I'm finding myself doing fine, despite not being able to see very far ahead of me. Part of a game like this is getting to know each track, which mitigates the camera issue.

Overall, this is just a great little game. Highly recommended.
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