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Mistan 15 Mar @ 7:23pm 
Taemin is not🚫 the person🧍‍♂️he used to be😠. He is not going to help 🤝 you but take advantage of you😨. His influence on you🫵 is not good😳. I cannot give you all the details here😖. What he says will always make you feel insecure 😞and he's trying to draw you & others into homosexuality🏳️‍🌈😡.
Joorka 22 May, 2024 @ 3:56am 
I am from woods. A win against me in crucifixion woods does not come naturally. it's my comfort zone. Very skilled in the bushes. Keep fair 1v1 rules and I destroy. Can also give good hand behind Farron Keep (25 souls). Head costs extra. Actually not very interested for fighting. Mostly here for other experiences. Set password "roleplay". See you in-game ;-)
persistent guy 24 Apr, 2024 @ 7:33pm 
DS1 and DS3 feel like post apocalyptic medieval settings with weird, hostile environments in comparison, but DS2 took the depressing element that was built into the concept of the first game, and committed to it.
Neither of DS2's siblings have imagery as haunting as King Vendrick, sitting alone in a dark chamber, reflecting on his fallen kingdom, only to inevitably become a husk that mindlessly paces the room, dragging his sword behind him.
DS2 strikes a tone that's unique to it, and sets it clearly apart from the other games.
On top of that, DS2 probably has the best NG+ system of the game. It actually adds new items and enemies, making it feel like the game has more replayability to it.
. While DS1 technically presents you with a few different paths to start down in the beginning of the game, only one is accessible to new players. DS2 at least presents you with 2 clear paths that any player can start from the beginning, giving more replayability, and a feeling of player agency.
Johaninsama 6 Mar, 2024 @ 1:28pm 
I just wanted to make you aware of a couple things. I'm kind of a big deal in souls games. If you decide to invade me, I need you to know a couple things in advance. I have been playing Dark Souls since the first one. and I beat Dark Souls 3. I am well versed in the art of dueling. I will NOT go easy on you. There is no shame in flasking and I WILL use my flask liberally. If you parry spam I will simple roll to your side, swiftly. I will then crit the F out of you, and use my pre-ordered ring emote on top of your dead body. Mess with the bull? You get the horns kid. Good luck
Ugnus Maggla 21 Feb, 2024 @ 2:24pm 
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Joorka 25 Jan, 2024 @ 4:25pm 
Ja verkligen. Det kallas Lothric, där slaggens herrar i de övergående länderna sammanstrålar.
När de beger sig norrut upptäcker pilgrimerna sanningen i de gamla orden:
"Elden slocknar och herrarna går utan troner."
När eldlänken är hotad ringer klockan och gräver fram de gamla slaggens herrar från deras gravar...
Aldrich, djupets helgon... Farrons odöda legion, avgrundsvakterna...
Och den tillbakadragna herren över den profanerade huvudstaden,
jätten Yhorm... Bara, i sanning... Herren kommer att överge sina troner...
Och de Otände kommer att resa sig.
Namnlösa, förbannade odöda, olämpliga till och med att vara slagg.
Och så är det, att aska söker glöd.