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Recenzii recente de Caelum Roxas

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Got to play early access for this demo, and it feels very different compared to most other mascot horror games. Not only do you play as the mascot this time, but it genuinely has a very uneasy and scary vibe that makes it stand out so much. You can tell the devs are taking this seriously, and actually wanting to make a genuinely scary game, and I think they succeeded. The only issue I came across was while using the purple light, the more I used it, the more the game started to drop in frames, until I got jumpscared. The piano puzzle was tricky at first, but honestly that's mainly because music class was never my strong suit, lol. I definitely look forward to the full game release!
Postat 18 octombrie.
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11.8 ore înregistrate
I really badly want to give this game the benefit of the doubt, which is why I'll still recommend it.
But there are some very glaring issues I want to address:

- Multiple softlocks in various parts of the game
- Didn't catch on that I was supposed to go back to the hub to resupply through the parcel (my dumbass didn't even know what a parcel was)
- The medicine instructions are extremely vague, resulting in various failed attempts and wasted vials
- Doing mathematics with cutting the food bricks took me longer to figure out than I expected it.
- Vaccines sometimes just don't work, until multiple shots.

But besides just giving this game the benefit of the doubt, I do genuinely see the potential in it, and I feel like it'll need major improvements and patches to better become the perfect game. I really liked the various monster designs, some actually scaring the heck out of me. And I think it's cool that as you keep playing, you get to unlock new animals. I was hoping for a final boss fight of some sort, but after playing for 11 hours trying to get the good ending, I'll just take what I can get. But I can't really say the same for most other players. Despite the potential I can see in the game, the flaws outweigh it. Call me too optimistic, but I really do hope to see this game improve.
Postat 1 octombrie.
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16.9 ore înregistrate (14.5 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
This game feels like a genuine love letter to the DBD community, and the single player story driven experience that I've always wanted since I first started playing Dead By Daylight over 6 years ago! I loved every single moment of this game that I literally pulled an all-nighter to get the true ending, and felt rewarded for my dedication.

Now, I have come across issues that do need addressing, for starters, every time the game transitioned to a different area, it would freeze, sometimes even twice in a row, trying to load the entire location in. Skill checks also felt slightly delayed, but they were still doable. And I did also come across two different softlocks, one where Chris falls from balance and is stuck in the falling animation. And another softlock where Madi got stuck between the two sets of stairs in the secret passage. And lastly, I saw a silly glitch where Jaime was T-Posed the whole time until the next cutscene started, lol. But bugs and issues aside, I genuinely had a blast playing this game, and I recommend this game to others!

Oh, and one more thing: PLEASE make Murder Mill into an original chapter in Dead By Daylight, where we can play as Madi, Linda, Sam, and Chris as survivors/legendary skins, and Frank Stone (The Champion) as the killer, and the Cedar Steel Mill as the map! I will buy it in a heartbeat!
Postat 5 septembrie. Editat ultima dată 5 septembrie.
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Here's my thoughts so far on myPOPGOES just from Campaign Mode. Days 1-4 I passed in 30 minutes. Days 1-3 were a breeze, Day 4 was slightly challenging, but doable. Day 5 felt like the difficulty LARGELY spiked compared to Day 4, as it took me 2 and a half hours to beat. As of right now, even though I personally believe it was just me being bad at the game, I would suggest tweaking the difficulty of Day 5, as I've seen that I wasn't the only one who had trouble with it. Gonna try to record and cover the minigames once I have more free time. Overall, despite my thoughts on Day 5's difficulty. I still think myPOPGOES is a really enjoyable experience so far, and look forward to playing more! I'd recommend it.
Postat 1 august.
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5.8 ore înregistrate
I'm surprised I haven't written a review on this installment yet.

So, back when the first game came out, I always felt it was trying too hard to take itself seriously, same with the second game. But then by the third game, I saw potential, because while it still retains having a serious story it wants to tell, the third game felt experimental by adding in some humor to the mix. Which brings us now to Garten of BanBan 4, which in my opinion is one of my favorite installments in the series, as I feel like this is where the series finally feels like it has its own identity, fully leaning heavily onto the satirical, goofier side, while also still retaining the story it wants to tell. I feel like for a game series like Garten of BanBan, having that combination of both satire and comedy to go alongside the storytelling and lore element, it actually makes this series so much more fun and entertaining as a result.

Also, I'm glad I was on top of this game when it came out, as when it initially released, there was a nasty softlock for certain PCs where Sheriff Toadster would stop running during the final chase scene at the end of the game. And I was very glad to help bug test for it in later updates, until it finally got patched.

Just like Garten of BanBan 7, the 4th installment is really high up as one of my favorites in this series.

For anyone who may be seeing this thinking I've lost my mind, please don't view these games from an extremely serious perspective, and instead try viewing them from a more goofier perspective, that's what I did, and it's made my experience playing these games way more fun as a result. These games do have potential, and the Euphoric Bros are only still learning game development as they continue, especially since BanBan 1 was their second ever 3D game. With that said, I recommend this game.
Postat 26 iunie. Editat ultima dată 26 iunie.
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2.3 ore înregistrate (1.2 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
I loved every single moment of this game! One of the BEST mascot horror games I've EVER played! And it was legitimately scary in many parts too! I did encounter issues though where textures were low despite graphics being set to epic, the Rambley Animations had some visible frames remaining longer in between in the animation, and I've encountered a game crash in the arcade game and game over screen of the game. Aside from those issues which I'm sure will be patched soon, I say this is still one of the best mascot horror games by far, and whenever I have the money I will 100% be supporting the Kickstarter, because I must see what happens next!
Postat 18 mai.
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2.9 ore înregistrate (2.7 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Okay, finished playing Garten of BanBan 7. I honestly unironically really enjoyed it, probably the best installment currently, and I like the nice balance between humor and serious moments. However I do have some gameplay related gripes: First, the first person drone is way too hard to control to the point the drone has reset its original position way too many times. Second, some areas are WAY too dark that I can't see in front of me. I died far too many times to the givanium baby monster because I could only see what was two steps in front of me. Still, gripes aside, this one is honestly the best installment in the series.
Postat 10 mai. Editat ultima dată 10 mai.
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4.9 ore înregistrate (4.4 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
The way you have to solve the puzzles and discover hidden secrets and lore kept me really invested all the way through, and even after I got all the endings and secrets, it's left me wanting more. Definitely recommend this game!

Also, Blabbot is best character, would buy an actual Blabbot toy if sold.
Postat 28 februarie.
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Okay, as someone still new to House of Ashes, I definitely think this is one of the best DLCs visually.

- Infected Clarice is easily the best playable character in this, I'd probably play her more. Plus, we finally have a new speed monster after so long.
- Infected Balathu may be very powerful, but he's extremely tough to play as, to the point I may not play him often. Also, Balathu's ultimate ability can harm your monster teammate in Maze Escape.
- Jason is a pretty good ranged mortal, but his ultimate ability is able to harm and kill your own teammates in Maze Escape.
- Salim isn't bad, he's a good mortal, but his ultimate ability is an insane eye sore with it being an extremely bright red screen, that not only affects the monster, but also your own teammates as well in Maze Escape.
- Ancient Ashes is visually the best map in the game by far, and is massive. Also, I'm glad I predicted the name of the map. Only gripe I have about this map is in the blood pool segments of the map, the shards are too high up and too hard to actually collect.
- The turret traps can get really annoying, and for a while, I didn't think it was possible to hit them at first.
- And the vampire boss is deadly, but not broken either, nice and balanced I think.

Definitely a DLC I highly recommend for how visually pleasing the map is and how good Infected Clarice is. More points if some of the problems I mentioned can be fixed up.
Postat 16 februarie. Editat ultima dată 16 februarie.
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32.1 ore înregistrate (21.7 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
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This is such a fun and addictive game to play with friends. It's also the perfect blend of comedy and horror. Can't recommend this game enough!
Postat 3 februarie.
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