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Rivals of Aether

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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries
Stick dudes!
Collection by Muno
Not a comprehensive list
Curated 2
Collection by Muno
ExW Quickplay Raid
Collection by Muno
One-Off Roster
Collection by Muno
This is the roster for the One-Off tournament, hosted in this server: (click for more info) IMPORTANT - You should ALSO subscribe to the Muno's Works collection, as it has all of the legal stages as well as more legal characters:
Muno's Contributions
Collection by Muno
this is a list of mods that i've contributed to in some tangible way - some were commissions, others i just felt like helping with. this doesn't include stuff like code fixes or advice or whatever knuckles: wall climb qbby: uspecial segerak: specials goomb
Muno's Rivals Mods
Collection by Muno
This is a collection of all the best stuff I've uploaded to the workshop! Visit my website to see the other things I do. Feel free to upload edits of my mods to the Rivals Workshop with credit. When using my sprites for projects that aren't Rivals Workshop
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