In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti.
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Garps 1 mars 2018 à 2h08 
järngustav 30 oct. 2014 à 16h20 
+++ Rep good trader
I... 22 aout 2014 à 4h05 
hi m8, was wondering if i could sell you like 300 cheap keys... your offline atm but msg when u r on i guess
Ash 21 juin 2014 à 16h42 
+rep Bought many keys, went first in partial trades with no issue at all. Wonderful seller and easy to deal with.
Caygo-- 21 juin 2014 à 13h05 
Ty for trade +rep
M 18 juin 2014 à 19h26 
+rep really good guy :)