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게시 일시: 2023년 12월 2일 오후 8시 09분

A sequel that maintains all the low points of the original, and changes things that worked in Remnant From the Ashes unnecessarily. The trait point cap leads to a far less rewarding grind than the original, interesting weapons/armor are sparse, scrap is even sparser (making it a slog to try new equipment), and the boss fights are hit or miss, more frequently a "miss". The final boss is a visually confusing fight that I just can't justifiably call a good conclusion. The fact that they carried over the ham-fisted scaling system, where upgrading your gear never feels as rewarding as it should, is also just disappointing. The game is also still riddled with bugs, regardless of how many hot fixes the developers release. One of the handguns, Sorrow, makes an incessant ringing noise in my cooperators headsets after using its mod power, and does not stop until I swap it out of the handgun slot and back in.

To the games credit, the archetype system is a fun addition, and Losomn is my favorite area in both games by far.

The game is short, and the only point in carrying on is to grind in a way that is just... worse in every way than the original. Completed the main game in roughly 12 hours, and continued playing only to have my opinion of the game worsen the more I played; not exactly what you want in a game that touts its infinite replayability. As a big fan of Remnant From the Ashes, all I can say is I found this game insufficient in filling the shoes of the original.
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