Hex: Groomable
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if you put ur PC specs in ur about me you are cringe and ur probably 500 pounds and need to go on the biggest loser
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Hex: Groomable 24 Mei @ 7:55pm 
vvv uh huh
vAlienated 24 Mei @ 7:48pm 
vvv nuh uh
Hex: Groomable 24 Mei @ 6:56pm 
vvv this is true. i am streaming on dbd, we all saw you. don't. lie. to me.
vAlienated 24 Mei @ 6:46pm 
vvv This is not true
Hex: Groomable 24 Mei @ 6:44pm 
vvv this guy called me the hard r because i was playing claudette. this does NOT belong in gaming.
vAlienated 24 Mei @ 6:43pm 
-rep thinks dbd is a horror game and hides in corners all game while teammates are on hook