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지난 2주간 1.3시간 / 기록상 3,019.0시간 (평가 당시 538.9시간)
게시 일시: 2019년 11월 9일 오후 3시 33분
업데이트됨: 2023년 11월 21일 오후 4시 14분

ive been stuck playing this forsaken game for last 8 years of my life over half of my life has been spent playing this game being tortured by the terrible jokes such as "back on track is the hardest extreme demon" whilst i click my mouse over 100 thousand times over and over again ive lost so many mice to this game over 4 g502's the sound of my mouse clicking has started to haunt after how much ive heard it everyday of my life for the past 8 years over and over again it haunts me to the point where i can still hear the sound of my broken g502 before i go to bed every night the songs such as "at the speed of light by dimrain47" and "stereo madness by foreverbound" have been ingrained in my head from how much ive heard these songs being blasted trough my headphones as i jump over and avoid every spike in my path trying to get that 100% but always failing wasting hundreds of millions of attempts trying to beat some of my favorite levels wasting thousands of hours working my way up trying to get better and better the more and more i play learning crazy tips and tricks such as "straight flying" and spending hundreds of dollars on monitors with the frame rate strong enough to be able to run games at 144hz and hundreds of dollars on mice learning what mice are better for what game modes having memorized the polling rate of the mice i used and the hertz of the monitors ive used over the time ive spent playing this game ive memorized every single game mode and how they function being able to play this game and change game modes and use them without much struggle on the fly being able to make my own levels that challenge me and other people around the world's skill levels and see if they are able to pass these amazingly crafted levels with some of the hardest levels crafted in all of gaming some being completely unbeatable while some of them being barely able to beaten by the best of the best players in the game like "trick" and "zoink" with all of them spending hundreds of thousands of attempts just trying to complete 1 singular level. 10/10 game its kept me trapped for so long and i cant escape roptop has made the most addicting game ever made and he has me in the grasp of his hand without a doubt i cant say im disappointed with over 1890 hours at the time of writing this with probably over 3000 hours on my phone alone...
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