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投稿日: 2023年12月30日 20時47分
更新日: 2024年7月31日 5時42分

Update (30 July 2024): As of the most recent update the game now ignores Windows audio settings and blasted out my eardrums. Don't buy this, play https://pizz.uno/ instead.

Pretty hard to mess up Uno but Ubisoft manages! Uses Ubisoft Connect (which it forces you to install) instead of Steam for most online features, has a fair amount of bugs/issues that seem to relate to online connectivity (random disconnects, invites not working) and is just generally seem slow when trying to launch the game and get into a match. Also, cross-play between different platforms is non-existent. You're out of luck if you're trying to play Uno with your friend who only has the Switch or PlayStation version.

I'm still going to play this game, but I can't really leave a positive review due to the issues I mentioned above. When the game works it's fun but come on Ubisoft, its Uno. How did you mess up Uno?
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