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有 5 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 16.0 小时 (评测时 14.6 小时)
I can't emphasize enough how good this is.

If you like first-person melee combat in the vein of Dark Messiah, Chivalry/Mordhau and Vermintide - this is for you.
If you like the timing and challenge of Dark Souls where every opponent is a threat, but you persevere with patience and focus - this is for you.
If you like the thrill of overcoming fair difficulties, learning and perfecting the combat dance like in Doom16/Eternal - this is for you.

But Elderborn is not any of these games. It doesn't feel like a 'souls-like' or a 'doom-like' or any other title for a game that imitates other, greater ones.
Elderborn is a masterful creation of its own, with a fantastic Conan-inspired art style, music that made me purchase the soundtrack, an actually fun story if you read the meticulously crafted lore entries, and the best first-person melee combat I've played in years, if not ever.
Every weapon is a tool with specific strengths and weaknesses, every enemy is a challenge, every location is a place full of wonders and secrets.

Short but sweet and replayable with NG+, challenging but fair all the way through, fun to explore due to a semi-open level design nature. Get it.
发布于 2020 年 10 月 13 日。 最后编辑于 2020 年 10 月 13 日。
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总时数 4.2 小时 (评测时 4.1 小时)
Atrocious first impression, very redeeming and promising further gameplay.

The extremely theatrical beginning throws you off by feeling more Uncharted than Gothic, and not in the best way. It feels odd and at conflict with the grounded classic Gothic delivery and sounds more awkward than exciting. Diego, the classic first NPC is delivering lines in an overly dramatic manner, as if putting on a show for the new guy who's basically a nobody.

But as soon as you step out of the tutorial section and embark on your first quest, familiarity slowly creeps on you through the thick blidning shine of overdone post-processing (do yourself a favor and put it on medium).

It's not EXACTLY Gothic, but it does feel like a game made by people who love Gothic and understand what makes it an exciting experience. It's the world, the dialoge, the freedom of choice and the weight of consequence.

The exploration is there, semi-open moderately traversable areas sprinkled with places of interest, contextualized loot, secrets and enemies who can prove to be real trouble. I wish they had an intermittent 'intimidate' animation like in the old games, while here they just spring into attack.

Combat is basically For Honor and... I dunno I can't make up my mind about it, but it is cinematic, methodic and discourages spamming, and I definitely wouldn't complain if it replaced the old one. It's kinda wonky against packs though. Hopefully learning with trainers gives the weapons new movesets like in the old games as well.

Most importantly, within its very short confines this did give me the mystery of discovering new areas, and NPC interactions offer both lore exploration, quests and meaningful choices which may leave you wondering how the game would have reacted had you chosen differently.

It's unoptimized and technically raw, but it's upfront about being basically a sketch of the general idea. The things I don't like are mostly artistic liberties taken at the very beginning of this teaser and the overly intrusive UI.
As a Gothic fan, I give this my blessing.

Thank you THQ Nordic for attempting this journey, smooth sailing and here's hope it delivers the Gothic RPG experience to the newer generations!
发布于 2019 年 12 月 15 日。 最后编辑于 2019 年 12 月 18 日。
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有 4 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 37.6 小时 (评测时 26.1 小时)
The best Terminator game out there.
If you like the Future War setting from the original Terminator movies, this is it.

A simple game with most of its aspects sitting just on the line of satisfactory, but the atmosphere alone is enough to carry you through the whole thing.

While mostly a linear experience, the game presents a surprising amount of freedom in exploring the world in many missions, choosing your path of approach and scavenging for resources, of which there are plenty. The fully linear missions that are there are quite well directed and orchestrate epic bombastic encounters, as well as a few simple yet thrilling stealth sections.

Combat is simple and barebones, but feels just like what you've seen in the old movies and as such never gets old, and the variety of weapons - again all from the movies - makes it a treat.
You'll be shooting machines, getting shot by machines, looting machines, hacking machines, hiding from machines - you name it.

What story is there is surprisingly engaging, and I found myself being genuinely interested in the characters' stories, which range from touching to disturbing. You even have dialogue options with story consequences that don't affect the game itself too much, but heavily impact the general story. A story which, I might add, can easily be considered canon to the first two movies.

And look, it's not a high production value game. But it's a game made with love and passion. If you like the source material, this is undoubtedly bound to be a game for you.
发布于 2019 年 11 月 26 日。 最后编辑于 2019 年 11 月 27 日。
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有 8 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 24.0 小时 (评测时 20.3 小时)
Keep an eye on Generation Zero, but stay away from a purchase for the time being.
There is an amazing game in here that someday may surface from underneath its relatively small, but very numerous and impossible to ignore shortcomings.

Everything Generation Zero does good, it does GREAT:
- An original setting: never thought robots will make for a good post-apocalypse setting. They do;
- A vast, beautiful and immersive world with changing time of day and weather;
- Oozing atmosphere almost on par with the greatest like STALKER and Far Cry 2;
- Beautifully designed, believable and dangerous enemies that are always fun to fight and sensible to avoid;
- Punchy, well-animated and beautiful weapons for gunporn enthusiasts;
- A variety of items to exploit and manipulate your enemies.

To sum it up, the world is beautiful, and the combat is engaging. These two are unfortunately enough to make for an addicting gameplay loop, which is why so many negative reviews have many hours played, myself included.

Why unfortunately? Because the rest of the game feels raw, unfinished, buggy, lacking content or having systems that beg to be reworked completely:
- The world is empty: you loot, you shoot and you find story- and quest-related objects. Nothing changes. Even places of interest that do good environmental storytelling offer little more than an extra fight and ordinary loot;
- Looting is 'fun' if you like this kind of process, but the loot itself never stands out and loot locations are VERY copypaste;
- Inventory management, which I usually like, is clunky here, unnecessarily complicated, and unavoidable at that;
- Enemies seem to spawn on some weird triggers, in places where you've just been or in enclosed spaces;
- The XP progression is commendable, but progression speed and the perks themselves are questionable;
- Cosmetics: some have stats, some don't. Stats don't make sense, like a military helmet having no stats, but some t-shirts providing bullet resistance.;
- Technical issues: falling through the map, getting stuck in objects (happens to enemies too), crashing, having enemies not fully despawn upon death and still make sounds or leave visual effects stuck in mid-air, objects just floating etc. You can play for 10 hours without a single issue, and then be bombarded by all of them within the next hour. It's inconsistent and can be just on the verge of game breaking.

As of right now it feels like Early Access in every aspect. And if it was sold as one, this review would likely be positive, because it would mean the devs acknowledge the state of the product and work on it accordingly. That said, the game is being actively updated. But I can't tell how far the updates will go and if they will be able to solve the game's most noticable issues.
You WILL have fun in this game, especially in coop. Just keep in mind that it's palpably raw in its current state and will constantly remind you about it. That alone is, unfortunately, reason enough for me to not want to recommend this game right now, although I really, really want to.

Awaiting patiently for the changes that will turn this review positive, because Generation Zero deserves it.
发布于 2019 年 11 月 11 日。 最后编辑于 2019 年 11 月 12 日。
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有 25 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 29.5 小时
Hated it at first, favorited it after completion.

Firstly, the game is still distinctively Darksiders art and lore-wise. As in, you play a horseman of the Apocalypse on a mission from the mysterious Charred Council during the Apocalypse on our planet. Weird creatures, ancient races, biblical conspiracies and lots of killing through it all.
It's kinda what you'd expect from a 'smaller team, lower budget' Darksiders, with very questionable but not too bad Dark Souls mechanics.

Combat is what got the community divided, but the devs have now added a classic Darksiders combat system.
The default combat is very dodge/parry-oriented and highly time sensitive. It takes time to get used to in terms of timing and controls even for a souls-like veteran, but does feel increasingly more satisfying as you get new gear, level up and 'git gud'. That said playing on Balanced (normal) difficulty felt tougher than previous games on Apocalyptic.

The beginning hours are the worst part of the game by far. There's a distinct lack of variety in attacks, abilities and enemies, fighting feels repetitive and frustrating, and the locations seem bland compared to the vastly more open and epic environments of the first two games.

I'd say the game becomes distinctly better after each bossfight:
- new weapons come with new attacks, effects and abilities. These are easily juggled mid-combat and when mastered become both effective and spectacular.
- you get more traversal abilities, opening more pathways in the game's smartly interconnected world, and diversifying the environmental puzzles.
- new regions have their own enemies, biome and atmosphere, and tease with unreachable pathways to be discovered later. Exploration is rewarding, and everything you find off the beaten track (well-hidden at that), is relevant to the story, gameplay or both.

I also enjoyed the story very much. Still not as epic as DS 1&2, but as a franchise fan I felt at home in the game's universe and characters. If this is your first Darksiders game, you should be fine, too, as they can be played out of order.

Diamond in the rough this one. Definitely get it if you're a Darksiders fan, I'm extremely happy Gunfire Games pulled this off and gave us a third game is in this wonderful franchise!
发布于 2019 年 1 月 7 日。
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有 6 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 265.4 小时 (评测时 29.0 小时)
A surreal experience this game.

Basically tabletop D&D brought into videogame form without unnecessary complexity and yet with SO much depth, variety, freedom and fun! Fans of Civ and Disciples will also get strong familiar vibes from this, and yet For the King is its own thing completely.

Best played in coop with two friends, but solo or duo are great as well.
Solo games convertible into online and vice versa, drop-in/drop out coop, online or local, perfectly playable with both KB+M and gamepad.

3 game modes from start. Consistent plot yet random world generation. Games play out differently. Perfect risk/reward balance. Heroes of Might&Magic level of addicting. Ridiculous value for money.

Get it!
发布于 2018 年 4 月 30 日。 最后编辑于 2018 年 5 月 1 日。
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有 17 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 103.7 小时 (评测时 54.9 小时)
Homefront: The Revolution is a diamond in the rough.

It's best described as urban Far Cry. But while the latter is a market leader of open world shooters for a reason, Homefront does much more than copy the premise and put it into the ridiculous setting of the US being tyrannized by North Korea.

For starters, I dare say Homefront manages to do urban areas often better than Ubisoft does open islands and mountains. It's a beautiful, immersive and surprisingly varied world that often oozes atmosphere and does a great job of creating a setting that is pleasant to dive in and easy to believe.

This world is alive, too. Pockets of resistance minding their own business or fighting enemies can be found throughout the game, but their activity is directly dependent on how much control the Koreans have over a certain region. As you proceed with the fairly standard liberation objectives, you get more control over the area, and it shows with the resistance setting up camps and fewer enemy patrols walking around. This happens until the locals see the resistance at work and rise up to overthrow the oppressors, which radically changes both how an area looks and plays, swapping quiet sabotage and stealthy guerilla takedowns for open warfare.

The North Koreans are no pushovers, though. While the AI seems quite basic, they're effective and relentless, making ambushing and retreating vital parts of combat. The latter is run-of-the-mill as well if you just go for pew-pew, but weapon modifications and genuinely interesting gadgets offer enough diversity to entertain and provide multiple ways of resolving (or starting) a firefight.

And there it is: immersive, lengthy and (subjectively) a lot of fun if you let it grow on you a bit. I would highly suggest turning off most of the HUD elements for the extra immersion factor and challenge, as the game becomes much more engaging without a radar and 3D markers telling you where everyone is.

This appraisal is unpopular and the game is generally considered to be a failure, but to me Homefront was one of the biggest surprises of this generation.
It went through development hell, was pushed out for release, suffered from bugs, poor optimization, stability issues and simply lack of content. Having first played it a year after release, I haven't faced the majority of these issues as the devs tried their best to polish the product as much as possible.
Was it enough? No, but it was good enough to make the game thoroughly enjoyable for me.
发布于 2018 年 4 月 11 日。 最后编辑于 2019 年 3 月 18 日。
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有 3 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 81.9 小时 (评测时 29.4 小时)
A bit raw as of April 2018, but even at this point Hunt is one of the most unique, tense and addicting games I've played.

Visually stunning, immersive and light on HUD elements, it submerges you into a grotesque yet weirdly stylish world. Its late XIX century weapons are just as good to look at as to shoot from, and its disturbingly creative enemies are great to shoot at.

But it's no shooter. Hell, I don't know what genre it is. It's quite literally a hunt. One where hunters compete for their prey, are rewarded for avoiding conflict punished for going in loud. It also manages to perfectly marry PVP and PVE with both playing crucial roles in every match.
It's also fun to play even if you don't get to finish a round.

I'd suggest waiting for release or at least until a major optimization patch before buying, but this game is DEFINITELY worth the asking price and is bound to be a memorable experience.
发布于 2018 年 4 月 10 日。
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总时数 6.2 小时 (评测时 5.2 小时)
It's Serious Sam BFE in VR, no strings attached.

Blown away by the purity of the gameplay: no compromises made, just the whole game lovingly transferred into VR with probably the best, most detailed, accessible and easy to navigate options menu out there, which is very important.
There's quicksaving and quickloading that is made arguably even easier in VR than pressing F5 on the keyboard.

Lots of movement options. I'm using full locomotion with smooth turning and not feeling nauseous after long play sessions, even jumping doesn't disorient. Although this varies depending on how you handle VR movement of course.

If you own a headset, get this game. Of the multiple shooters I've played in VR, this one keeps me coming back the most.
You don't feel like Serious Sam here. You ARE Serious Sam.
发布于 2017 年 12 月 23 日。
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有 2 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 29.3 小时 (评测时 23.6 小时)
Expect a true sequel to the previous two games, and feel disappointment.
Approach it as a, say, side story made by a different team (which it is) and enjoy a solid, fun, action-packed FPS that is great both on your own and with friends.

It's not scary, although it tries to be at times, but atmospheric enough to hide the very much arcady shooting mechanics. That said, these mechanics are fantastic, and as a shooter FEAR 3 is highly enjoyable and, to my surprise, easily replayable.

It's also hands down one of the best linear coop experiences you'll have in an FPS in terms of variety and coordination.
The multiplayer oozes with original and fun ideas which sadly made it into game modes that didn't last long before the community died out, but if you have at least 3 friends who are into this game, get them together and have a blast in the surprisingly innovative multiplayer.

It's been 4 years but FEAR 3 remains a highly enjoyable experience to this day. And if, like me, you were slightly disappointed with how FEAR2 turned out in relation to FEAR1, the third installment won't be MUCH of a disappointment, but rather a great time waster - be it alone or with friends.

Get it. Just remember that it's not what its predecessors were.
发布于 2015 年 6 月 30 日。
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