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Nylige anmeldelser av Bullett00th

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4 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
40.8 timer totalt (2.9 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
If I had to give this review a title, I'd call it Opportunity Lost.

The Evil Within struggles very hard to be a true successor to Resident Evil 4. It builds upon RE4's basis and improves it with an almost Silent Hill-esque insanity setting, a little bit of the new horror era features and everything Mikami wanted to put into RE4 but couldn't for whatever reasons.

And I tried really, really hard to appreciate it for what it is or, at the very least, for what it tries to be. However the game ends up blatantly mimmicking other projects and failing to recreate their features in a satisfying way - be they features from fellow horror games,, simple monster shooters or Mikami's own creations. I still don't understand why.

The starting chapter introduces you to what looks like a genuinely creepy and thrilling setting, but as a fan of Outlast I couldn't help but notice the fact that I've done it all before. All of it. Imagining the rest of the game would be like Outlast with weapons, I move on only to realize how misinformative the intro sequence is.
As the adventure went on, I noticed familiar elements from RE4 in terms of gameplay, Alan Wake in terms of atmosphere (at least in the forest) and The Last of Us in terms of controls, don't ask why.

Point is, the game constantly feels like it's trying to be its own thing while being something else, and ends up being much less than the sum of its parts. The chaotic story and the seemingly brain numb protagonist don't help. Sure, RE characters were cheesy as hell, but for some reason you cared about them. Detective Drunken Voice from EW on the other hand - not so much. I almost felt liberated at one point when I got killed, as if giving me a justification to stop playing.

Keep in mind that I've only played for 3 hours and there's still a lot to this game, but even throughout these 3 hours I got bored a lot. It's not scary. It may be a good atmospheric adventure with monsters though, if you're into that sort of thing.

I wouldn't say it's a blatantly bad game, because on paper it isn't. I'd even go as far as saying you should try it. Just know what to expect from it and be prepared to be bored if you were expecting psychological horror and not a lot of blood and guts.
Otherwise I'd recommend you to stay away from it and treat yourself to a nice big Jill Sandwich in the RE1 remake.
Publisert 13. januar 2015. Sist endret 13. januar 2015.
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61 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
10 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
25.5 timer totalt (19.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Don't let the low price, the simple visuals and the fact that it's a tablet port fool you.

I would have never imagined myself playing a shooter ported from tablets on PC and having so much fun. First of all, it's miles ahead of the portable version, almost a different game. The fact that there are no microtransactions help you enjoy this as a wholesome product, albeit with a little bit of fair grinding.

A good zombie game needs 2 things: good zombies and good weapons. While this is far from many AAA titles, the weapons in Dead Effect look and sound meaty enough to feel the punch of every shot, but don't expect spectecular quality of animations and sounds.
The zombies however are a whole other dimension, and are at the core of what makes Dead Effect so fun, as they should be. Despite the small scope of the game, it features quite a few types of enemies, each of which in its turn has its preset of behaviors, some of which are randomnly generated depending on difficulty. In other words: zombies are dangerous and unpredictable, and demand the best of your attention, reaction and situational awareness. The dodge funcion is in this game for a damn good reason. This, combined with the very much Doom3-inspired leveldesign, make up for a great immersive atmosphere of an ever-so-popular contaminated spaceship setting. There's even a small cheesy story that works well enough to glue the events together and give the player a sense of purpose in addition to a sense of place.

If I had to complain about Dead Effect, which would be stupid considering the price, I'd say some will find the grinding tiresome (althought there's not THAT much of it compared to other games of this type), and not much variety beyond the campaign and the survival modes. While admittedly true, these problems didn't stop me from finishing the game twice, and I'm sure I'll be going in for a third time on Hell difficulty where almost every zombie hit is deadly.

In conclusion, Dead Effect is easliy one of my best surprise purchases on Steam. It's like Doom 3 and Killing Floor had a baby that doesn't know much yet but already shows great potential for being its own thing. Big thing, hopefully.
Publisert 8. januar 2015.
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115 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
3 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
6.1 timer totalt (5.4 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
As a long term survival horror fan, I feel like the community is being way too harsh on this game, mostly due to completely wrong expectations.

If you are truly interested in Daylight, but the negative reviews keep you off, please read this to understand what exactly this game has to offer before expecting anything else from it.

Most survival horror games can be divided into two categories: puzzle-based action-adventures (early Resident Evil, Silent Hill, ObsCure) and the recent story-driven run and hide investigations (Penumbra, Amnesia, Outlast).

Which one is Daylight? Neither.

Remember Slenderman? The one that was in early beta but still got popular due to its basic yet effective gameplay formula? Since it became so popular, we had a huge number of clones, remakes and spiritual successors with different interpretations of the story and the monster himself. I don't know about you, but none of them were truly my cup of tea - not even the full Slender: The Arrival game itself.

Daylight is, though. It follows Slenderman's legacy every step of the way, while trading the open forest for procedurally generated corridors, which works for this type of gameplay. If you don't know what Slenderman is, here's a simple explanation of its mechanics: collect documents, avoid the enemy and never look at him. Looking at him triggers his aggro and scariness ensues. Very simple yet very effective.
Daylight uses the same mechanics with a few extra touches here and there which is enough to make the game stand out without overcomplicating it.

Its main issue is relying almost purely on cheap jumpscares, although even without them the atmosphere is quite unnerving. And as far as jumpscares go, Daylight can at the very least show some good ones. The ghost is well detailed, and the sound design is genuinely creepy. Bricks are expected to be ♥♥♥♥.

I understand why people dislike it. It's not as story-heavy as one would want, although IMO the ending was worth reading through the notes you find. Its scares are cheap and don't change throughout the game, the ghosts can be outsmarted and the overall experience leaves you wanting just a tad bit more... but if it's scares you want, then scares you shall get.

It's one of those games that you should force your friends to play and just enjoy them jumping out of their seats. Definitely far from a top-tier survival horror, but nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. Know what the game offers and you shall be not disappointed with what it doesn't offer.
Publisert 4. juni 2014.
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7 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
14.5 timer totalt (7.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Complete immersion, phenomenal atmosphere, bone chilling sound design, rewarding exploration, unique and widely configurable art style, engaging world and a true, hardcore challenge.

Has room for improvement and may seem dull at first, but as soon as you get into the hang of things, the game pulls you in and doesn't let go. Not everyone will like the combat, exploration and stealth aspects, but if you value a mysterious storyline and complete immersion, this is for you.
Publisert 26. mars 2014.
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