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LA FLAME 12 Jan, 2017 @ 4:13am 
when i climaxed i found myself in a bread paradise
there were seas of gentle rye
pillows of doughy, supple whole wheat
and, for my own pleasure, a loaf of the finest, crumbiest garlic bread, crisp to the touch and still warm, with a hole carved in it for my big ol ♥♥♥♥ of course
neopetism 9 May, 2016 @ 8:44pm 
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Chief Invertebrate 9 May, 2016 @ 8:43pm 
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straightace 28 Feb, 2016 @ 10:38pm 
pączki 23 Dec, 2015 @ 10:16pm 
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LA FLAME 15 Dec, 2015 @ 7:21am 
the man walks through the blasted waste, ash floating about his feet, dust motes filtering the light in the air

in the distance, a donger swells

"i cantl," the man says, a tear welling in his eye and tracing its way through the blackened dirt on his cheek