Yao Ding 炒饭没有蛋卷
Please note: I do not add anyone who does not have a net worth of at least 7 figures! Thanks!

Hello! My name is Bryce Anderson and I am 9 years old (and counting)! Fortunately for me, my parents own an oil mine in Iraq (we practically own the country), so I never have nor will I ever experience being ANYWHERE NEAR the middle-class! If you are currently living in an impoverished area and my actions seem insensitive to your barrio-scavenging lifestyle, just remember that I live in Beverly Hills, have personal ties to both Barack Obama and Ayman al-Zawahiri (أيمن محمد ربيع الظواهري), and can get both my lawyers AND my dad's AR-15 on your behind, so don't even THINK about messing with me!

Also, I am a HUGE fan of African-Americans and those of Islamic origins! If you fall into one of these categories, feel free to add me WITHOUT rejection! I am also currently looking for a biological female to keep me company during my spare time! However, I don't have a lot of spare time, because I'm usually at Lacrosse practice, watching Paw Patrol with my parents, playing computer games on my MacBook Air, and (usually) spending my time watching anime with my lifetime CrunchyRoll subscription!

Spoiler: I am a part of the Jacob Black Gang (JBG)! If you are an Edward Cullen fan, PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT ME!!!! I have an IP-Grabber and will NOT hesitate to SWAT your house! Keep your family safe and keep that propaganda away from me!

I have recently received a few requests from my peers and intellectual-equivalents to cuss in front of my parents. I will say this once more, I HAVE NEVER CUSSED ONCE IN MY LIFE, AND I PLAN TO KEEP IT THAT WAY UNTIL THE DAY I DIE! Thank you!

It has recently come to my attention that poor people (those who don’t have a net worth of at least 7 figures) also indulge in watching anime featuring Nekos, more commonly referred to as "Cat Girls". So, I issue the following decree to all of Iraq and effectively the United States of America: IF YOU HAVE UNDER 7 FIGURES IN YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT, DO NOT WATCH ANIME! IF YOU ARE CAUGHT VIOLATING THIS LAW, YOU WILL BE BEHEADED BY THE GLORIOUS LEADERS OF IRAQ! (my family) IF YOU ARE CAUGHT WATCHING ANIME DEPICTING NEKOS, (cat girls) YOU AND THE REST OF YOUR CURRENTLY LIVING BLOODLINE WILL BE SUBJECT TO CHINESE WATER TORTURE AND BEATINGS AT THE HAND OF THE IRAQ GOVERNMENT, (my family) WHICH WILL ULTIMATELY RESULT IN BEHEADING! This decree will go into effect on the date 12/10/2019 3:00 P.M. Pacific Standard Time.

Thanks for reading and make sure to ask your parents for some money, as I only talk to people who are as equally monetarily fortunate as me! 😄

Unfortunately for my “homies” in Iraq, steam does not like putting Arabic text from right to left, and I am currently not in the possession of an Arabic keyboard (I smashed my last one when someone default-danced on my dead body in the popular battle royale game Fortnite).

لسوء حظ "homies" في العراق ، فإن البخار لا يحب وضع النص العربي من اليمين إلى اليسار ، وأنا حالياً لا أمتلك لوحة مفاتيح عربية (لقد حطمت آخر لوحة لي عندما قام شخص ما بالرقص الافتراضي على جثتي في معركة شعبية لعبة رويال Fortnite)

لم يخلق الجن والإنس لعبد السنوات إلا السماوات السبع والأرض ، ولكن ليس الثناء فقط ؛ لكن لا تحجّح على أنه منقذ ينقذك من ظلام الأرض والبحر ويدعوه بالتواضع والإبداع في حين أن أنجانا من هذا يجب أن تكون بالتأكيد من رحمة ربكم ربك عبدك عبد الله زكريا كما دعا ربه السري. لقد كنت أحد عظامي وأحرقت
Зараз не в мережі
Q: What games do you wish you could play?
A: I REALLY wish I could play the Nekopara franchise. I find the cats to be really cute! As well as this, I have recently had some sexual fantasies involving my dog Charlie, so it would be nice to experience this pleasure using visual and inconsequential stimuli! However, I was told that if I got the h-scenes with the game, it would display some bad things, so I'm going to try to stay away from that stuff. I think that might be the reason why my dad won't buy the games for me...

Q: Why do you like anime so much?
A: I like anime a lot because it allows me to exercise the sexual fantasies I have regarding 2D women! I think it's just perfect how loyal they are to you (especially the catgirls present in Nekopara!) and how they will never leave you despite the imperfections you have as a human being! Although I must admit, it would be nice to have a real-life biological-female to cuddle up beside me at night and make me feel loved in this world...

Q: Why do you like furries so much?
A: I like furries so much because they are the closest real-life people I have to the cat-girls that I fantasize over in games such as Nekopara. Sometimes I like to go behind them and lift their tails up and down and look at what's under there. They seem to like it when I do that even though they're all like 2 feet taller than me! Even the organizers at the event say to me that I'm too young to be at a convention such as FurCon, but all of the attendees and furries there all seem to just love me! Unfortunately, I'm only close friends with a few furries, because some of them are members of the LGBTQ+ community, which is quite a shame.

Q: Why do you hate gay people so much?
A: I hate the LGBTQ+ community because of how everyone at my school keeps on saying I have close connections to them! It's starting to get very, very annoying! Some of the kids at my school keep on calling me a "♥♥♥♥♥♥" and a "gaylord", even though I have no idea what these words mean. Ever since I told my dad about it, he continues to call the school saying stuff like "lawsuit on your hands" and "bullying" and he even put me in something he calls “therapy”. That’s crazy, huh?

Q: How are you so rich?
A: I thought you'd never ask! I’m in the Forbes Top 100 because my parents own an oil business in Iraq. Through these oil mines, my father has been able to donate money to the Shia Islamic state, in which they do some of his "dirty work". I asked him about this "dirty work", and he told me that they carry out terrorist plots across both the United States and Britain. This is also how we met Ayman al-Zawahiri (أيمن محمد ربيع الظواهري), who has been doing work for our family ever since we met him in 2017! As well as this, my parents have been investing in stock-market since 2009, and we now receive over 1 million dollars in passive income each week from the shares we hold in Apple, Microsoft, and fast food chains such as Wendys and Burger King!

Q: When did you guys move to America?
A: My family moved to America in 2017. I always found it weird how we have a lot of personal connections in Iraq (plus our oil business) and how my parents have always spoken out against American values such as cheeseburgers and being fat. More interestingly is that we moved to America just one month after we met Ayman al-Zawahiri (أيمن محمد ربيع الظواهري). Luckily, I got my answer, as my mom and dad said that we were moving to America to gather “intel” on counter-terrorist measures in the United States. I guess my parents really are deeply invested in their job! So use this as a life lesson if you are poor/in the middle class: as long as you work hard, you can become a member of the rich society just like my family and I!

Q: Why have you decided to make a law saying that poor people or those in the middle-class cannot watch anime?
A: For the simple reason that I cannot stand doing anything with my leisure and intellectual time that the poor also partake in. Playing video games isn’t too much of a problem as it doesn’t consume much of my life, but ANIME?? Not a chance for me to allow the lowest devils of the Earth to indulge in the pleasure I feel when watching anime... and to think that some of them have even started to touch themselves in their private-parts when they watch anime, something that I figured for myself! Gosh, I sure do hate poor people!

Q: Why do you say that you are a huge fan of African-Americans?
A: I really like anything that has to do with our black counterparts because they are so passionate about everything they do! They are strong-minded, strong-willed, and most importantly, have the largest phallic members on the planet! Don’t believe me? Well one time when my father was passing by the barrios on the way to Disneyland, a black person came to our car and stood in the middle of the street, making us stop the vehicle. He then pulled out a 9mm Smith and Wesson and demanded that my father gets out of our Corvette ZR1. We did, and then he drove off as fast as he could! I just find it so amazing that these creatures can do such a thing, as it must take some guts to pull that off! F4or that other part, you can just take it from me when I say that they have large penises! I come from experience, ya’ know?
Вітрина рецензій
3,5 год. проведено
All in all, I really like playing Doki-Doki Literature Club! I like playing this game because of the cutesy art style and how utterly beautiful the main characters are! Another reason why I like this game so much is because of how it has biological-female characters that I can talk to and look at! This game also RULES because the girls don't run away from me when I try to converse with them! Sometimes, I just stare at Yuri's distinctive feminine figure and fantasize about me meeting her at a pool party...

I dream that after meeting her at the pool party, I ask her out on a date, justifying it by saying that I think that she looks really pretty and seems like a nice woman, in which she replies that she would love to go on a date with me. I then spend the remaining time I have to prepare for our date withdrawing money from my bank account and buying a lot of diamond pendants and other expensive jewelry; all gifts for my beloved. I then pick her up and allow my chauffeur to drive her and I to Patina Restaurant, where I of course offer to pay for her meal and mine alike. We sit down in the outside area and begin to talk about what we did at the party. Yuri, dressed in an overly-casual grey, keyhole sweater, tells of how she was initially afraid to come because it would require her to expose herself in her swimsuit, however, upon seeing me, she worked up the courage to swim in our pool and get relatively close to me even though the darkness of night enveloped us and the chill of the air was fierce. I laugh at this, thinking of how the entire time I was the one who was embarrassed in front of her divine presence as if I couldn't even compare with her seemingly angelic aura of beauty. I begin to realize that when she talks, she almost moves up out of her seat as if to lift her bottom ever so slightly from the hard lower surface of the chair, allowing her chest to become vibrantly animated, thus "slightly" capturing my attention. I recognize tiny droplets of sweat glistening off of her chest area, moving further and further down, unfortunately disappearing under her shirt before I could muster up the confidence to ask her if I could take just one sweet, succulent lick of the upsides of her breasts in the just hopes of cleaning her from these "imperfections". I quickly finish my caviar and ask Yuri if she would like to go watch a movie at the local cinema. She declines, saying that we should go back to her apartment. I offer to go back to my house, which is both grand in size and plentiful in servants. However, she declines under the reasoning that she would like to spend some alone time with me. Throughout the entire car to her apartment I can feel my center of mass slowly closing in on itself, anxious on how I could make this night the best night of my life. We arrive at Yuri's apartment, which is luckily in an upper-middle-class neighborhood. We go to the elevator and onto the 11th floor of the apartment complex. We go into her room, in which the dim candle-lit room immediately greets me with a fragrance as sweet as sugar; more precisely, a slight aroma of lavender. She tells me to wait in the entrance room while she goes into her bedroom, in which I gladly comply. As I hear hardly-audible rustling in the next room, I look at all of the knives on her wall, wondering why one would need that many knives just to prepare a meal. She calls me into her room, in which the layout consists of a mirror 20 feet in front of me, a king-sized bed to my left, a closet immediately to my right, and a bathroom that is by the mirror on the right wall separated from the bedroom by a closed door. I step into the room, in which Yuri is laying down, propped up like a dog waiting for a treat as to where her bottom is pointed in the air even though her stomach is being supported by the bed. She's wearing dark-purple undergarments with both her panties and bra being decorated by flowery designs. Her chest is perked straight up, almost in a straight line extending perpendicularly outward from her body by at least half of a foot. She's looking at me with eyes slightly closed in a seductive manner, her lips smiling placidly. She quickly gets up from her position on the bed, grabbing me by the collar of my black suit. She pulls me onto the bed and starts to press her lips onto mine, allowing her tongue to explore the inner ridges of my mouth. She begins to undress me by unbuttoning my suit as I allow my hands the freedom to come into contact with her breasts. While keeping one hand on her chest, my other hand ventures down her body, across her stomach, and onto her lady-parts, in which I pleasure her with the tips of my fingers. She lets out an involuntary moan and begins to move around more animately as the angels of pleasure take her further into their depths. By this time, my suit has been taken off by Yuri, and I proceed to take my pants off, allowing me to be in front of Yuri in her ethereal panties and overwhelmed bra in clothes that likewise fit the occasion. I wrap my hand around her royalty-purple panty string as I pull it down to just below her knees. She takes my underwear off with her soft, delicate hands smoothly coated in dark-purple nail polish. I begin to insert my phallic member into her equivalent, making her yelp with outbursts of pleasure and extreme emotion. I go in and out, in and out, my sensory organs being capitalized to their extreme at about 150% until 30 seconds in I cannot hold anything back. I tell Yuri that I'm about to climax and consequently release my liquid into her fertile crescent, all the while my mouth firmly on hers in a way that allows us to experience the most intimacy. She moans for a final time as she smiles at me in a captivating and satisfying way. I roll over, still with both of us fully naked and exposed, and begin to hug her as tight as I can. I clamp my hands around her breasts for additional comfort in which she proceeds to softly moan once again. I place my tool of pure satisfaction between the clamps of her bottom, still hard as a rock from our previous experience. Not being able to control myself, I move up and down across the back of her body, my hands still groping her breasts. She responds by letting out a light moan, grinning with delight of being able to experience a round two. She then gets on top of me, making it to where I can feel the warmth of my sperm on my pubic hairs. She puts her finger into my mouth, looking at me with partially-closed eyes and a sly smile filled with deviance. She goes into the kitchen, brings back a kitchen knife embroidered in what looks like 18 karat gold. She sits on my erect phallic member, putting it into her genitalia, going up and down while holding the knife in front of her face, moaning at the same rate a baby would cry when it needs to be sung to. She then begins to slightly tear the skin on her wrist with the knife, bringing out a small trickle of blood. Yuri thrusts her wrist into my mouth, still bleeding, as I suck on it and close my eyes out of ecstasy. After I’ve sucked all the blood out of the cut wrist, all the while her continuing to bounce up and down on my penis, she cuts the space above her genitalia with the knife in a horizontal fashion. She picks up my hand and pulls on my pointer finger and inserts it into the cut, practically screaming from the pain. Her eyes at this point are completely rolled in the back of her head to where I can either only see the whites of her eyes or her eyelids hiding the pleasure and satisfaction she has from the sex. I move my finger around the newly-made slit, bringing it down so that I can feel the bump of my penis as it goes in and out of her female parts. I let out a scream as I ejaculate, her waist almost completely soaked in blood. Yuri bends over me, my penis still in her womb, positioning her breasts right below my neck. Next thing I know her tongue is back into my mouth, moving around as violently as a snake with its tail cut off...
Остання активність
7 408 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 29 верес.
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Yao Ding 炒饭没有蛋卷 14 верес. 2021 о 22:21 
Yao Ding 炒饭没有蛋卷 7 серп. 2021 о 8:40 
CSGO-NG5EQ-U2iBp-nEZ3D-ftZsc-EA5VH -- green
Yao Ding 炒饭没有蛋卷 27 квіт. 2021 о 15:50 
tsu 22 берез. 2021 о 20:56 
Nooo.. Everyone is god at pubg
tsu 12 берез. 2021 о 7:58 
Yo would you carry me in PUBG :D
tsu 2 груд. 2020 о 11:05 
i bet your poppin at mc