Soyboy   Federated State Of Micronesia, United States
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Artour got out of the building. He was a bit frustrated. His team was making him play stupid heroes again. He wanted to play Naga and Terrorblade. Didn't they understand the main goal of Dota is to kill creeps?
Artour whispered to himself, "LMFAO wHo cAREAS HAHA Xd". He sighed and crossed the street. Suddenly Artour's face went pale. On the other side of the street was the Cloud 9 squad. "J-Jacky...", he whispered. They were coming at him. He was frozen in place.
EE looked at him and said "Long time no see Artour." He was speechless as all of them passed by him. Only n0tail stayed there with him, his hands in his pockets. Artour didn't dare to say anything. He hadn't ever seen n0tail with such a grim look.
"Having fun with my old team, Artour?" n0tail asked, a maniac grin growing in his face. "The team who kicked me because of you."
Artour was panicking. Who was that guy? He surely wasn't the BigDaddy he had met before." Don't worry Artour", continued n0tail, "I'm not gonna hurt you. In fact, I'm just having fun with my new best friend... Jacky."
That was it. Artour lost control. "You'll never steal Jacky from me! Never!" n0tail's grin got bigger. "You've always been naive, Artour... I've watched your replays. I know how to please Jacky better than you now."
Artour stared in disbelief. "W-what...". N0tail slowly took his hands out of his pockets. A golden glow filled the whole street. Artour fell to his knees as he saw not only one, but two hands of Midas. "Good luck on the tournament, Artour..." said n0tail while leaving. Artour sat in the ground, tears in his face. "
me earl 16 ต.ค. 2015 @ 8: 41am