Laa, Niederosterreich, Austria
I only add people AT LEAST level 129 (Like, come on, it costs literally nothing to get to that level). Also, MUST be a global on CSGO like me, an rank 18 in the TF2 competitive match making system, once again, like me. No VACs and your TF2 (Team Fortress Two) inventory must have at least 10 unusuals and cost at the minimum $2,500. And your CSGO (Counter Strike Global Offensive) inventory MUST have at least 5 knives and 5 gloves, 12 knives, or 10 gloves, a long with an overall price of $2,500. I don't add poor people, sorry, kiddo', but this isn't Africa. Also must be female, be willing to play games with me and voice chat EVERY day, and lastly anorexic. I don't like fat girls. If you meet all of those requirements please add me, I'm a very friendly player and love everyone! ^w^