Jens Stenström   Finland
This is me
83rd annual model from the 20th century. I was engineered to be male. The ones responsible for neuronetwork-programming must've f•ck•d up somewhere, because some of the features have been either corrupted in the root files or disabled all together, like vision of the colour red and growth of hair on top of the head.

This is my story
This product of corrupt engineering has strangely though proven to be compatible with a female-model whose production values are much higher, and our programming schematics have intertwined into one solid data stream through a marriage-protocol. We have also together managed to streamline our DNA-sequences at two separate dates resulting into two smaller male models.

This is my MO
Most likely found playing games in co-operation with other loosely wired and badly programmed androids. Together we have formed the collective of disrupted and disgraced degenerate robotics called the LUC. Our waving flag causing fear and panic when it should inspire laughter and ridicule. What else is the end game of a hard session of life than some fun and relaxation with dear friends?

A gentle warning
If you're thinking of befriending this asymmetrical image of a broken circle, please do know this; I am more of a burden than a carry. If I seem like an asset it's a temporary flaw in my technical specification. If you're not going to behave like a decent human being, or android-being, you will be sarcastically pointed out and openly shamed.
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LUCcast - Offentlig gruppe
Svenskfinlands möjligen största spelpodcast
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108 timer spilt
So as stated right above this text this is an early access review, from early alpha, and this might go the way of Takedown: Red Sabre or the dodos. But here's my impressions from right now.

This is the world's finest Siuntio-simulator! If you don't know what Siuntio is it's the small town where I live in Southern Finland which is known for it's... nothing really. We might have a few less wolves but just as few houses and as many trees. Oh, and the amount of snow portrayed in The Long Dark is nothing compared to what we get in late January...
Oh damn, anyways... The Long Dark! It's a survival game... NO! Please don't leave! There's no zombies... I promise!

You crash your plane in Canada Siuntio due to some phenomenon that you can read about in the "About the game"-part above. After that... you just gotta survive. For as long as you can. In first person.
Find food, find firewood, hide from wolves, find shelter and fire, scavange houses and frozen bodies. It's just really, really intense.
Best way to describe how good this game feels is buy lending freely from another review and changing it around a bit;
you know that feeling when you've been out in the cold for a long time and you feel like you're gonna freeze to death even thou you're actually surrounded by people, houses and electricity - and then you get home and can cuddle with the heater for a few hours and get that cosy warm feeling? It's the same feeling you get when you're walking around in The Long Dark, freezing, and then finding shelter. It's just so damn immersive!
Boast all you want - I still have the moral high ground... somewhere ... somehow!
Russell 24. nov. 2023 kl. 21.09 
nice gaming setup :D
Tuddis 11. sep. 2016 kl. 7.47 
intresant Wishlisted du har... mådes på skoj kolla :steamhappy:
Shinan 17. juli 2013 kl. 14.52 
omg how beautiful ur background are!
Viking Orangutan 25. des. 2012 kl. 9.47 
Badge from kommet? Yes please.
kovlos 26. okt. 2012 kl. 10.10 
Mosse 14. juli 2012 kl. 7.00 
I am here to discuss the current state of affairs concerning the conservative party in Mongolia. (No, in reality I am collecting badges...)