Bogdan   Germany
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1 game ban on record | Info
2917 day(s) since last ban
Favorite Guide
Created by - obiwantap kenobi, pray, and Lunatic
2,457 ratings
this is an advanced tutorial about how to get famous from a nonamer status.
YungTaper 17 Mar, 2017 @ 8:40am 
♥ This is the windmill of friendship ♥ Repost if you also love your friends ♥
━━━━━┓  \  ┃You have been visited
 / \  ┃  /  ┃
    \ ┃ /   ┃
     \┃/    ┃
┏━━━━(♥)━━━━┛By the windmill
┃    /┃ \
┃  /  ┃  \
┃ /   ┃   \/
┃ \   ┗━━━━━ Of friendship
♥ This is the windmill of friendship ♥ Repost if you also love your friends ♥
vladonbaby 7 Mar, 2017 @ 2:19am 
ниже приёмный
fL`Angel Beats 18 Feb, 2017 @ 12:48pm 
Low Dota 2 Player Just a Noob