Now let's take up the minorities in our civilization, shall we? Bigger the population, the more minorities. Don't step on the toes of the dog-lovers, the cat-lovers, doctors, lawyers, merchants, chiefs, Mormons, Baptists, Unitarians, second-generation Chinese, Swedes, Italians, Germans, Texans, Brooklynites, Irishmen, people from Oregon or Mexico. The people in this book, this play, this TV serial are not meant to represent any actual painters, cartographers, mechanics anywhere. The bigger your market, Montag, the less you handle controversy, remember that! All the minor minor minorities with their navels to be kept clean. Authors, full of evil thoughts, lock up your typewriters. They did. Magazines became a nice blend of vanilla tapioca. Books, so the damned snobbish critics said, were dishwater. No wonder books stopped selling, the critics said. But the public, knowing what it wanted, spinning happily, let the comic-books survive. And the three-dimensional sex magazines, of course. There you have it, Montag. It didn't come from the Government down ... "Colored people don't like Little Black Sambo. Burn it. White people don't feel good about Uncle Tom's Cabin. Burn it. Someone's written a book on tobacco and cancer of the lungs? The cigarette people are weeping? Burn the book. Serenity, Montag. Peace, Montag. Take your fight outside. Better yet, into the incinerator. Funerals are unhappy and pagan? Eliminate them, too. Five minutes after a person is dead he's on his way to the Big Flue, the Incinerators serviced by helicopters all over the country. Ten minutes after death a man's a speck of black dust. Let's not quibble over individuals with memoriams. Forget them. Burn them all, burn everything. Fire is bright and fire is clean.
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$eller nightmare$ 23 Jun, 2017 @ 1:18pm 
janco 1 Jan, 2016 @ 9:31pm 
You say Justin Bieber-I say Aimeric de Belenoi
You say Miley Cyrus-I say Bertran de Born
You say T-Pain-I say Walther von der Vogelweide
You say Flowers-I say Gavaudan
You say Pink-I say Raimon Gaucelm de Beziers
You? say Hip Hop-i say Middle High German crusade poems
You say Pop-I scream DEUS VULT!!
You say? hanah montana-i conquer the port of Jaffa for the glory of the church holy virgin Maria and the spirit of God BE PRAISED
92% of teenagers have turned to Hip Hop and Pop.If you are part of the 8% that still WISH TO DIE FIGHTING ON DISTANT LANDS FOR THE ETERNAL GLORY OF THE CROSS THE FIREY JUSTICE OF THE ONE TRUE GOD AND THE GOOD WORD OF JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD AND SAVIOR ,copy? and paste this message to another 5? videos. DON'T? LET? THE? SPIRIT OF THE CRUSADES DIE
Aidan 28 Dec, 2015 @ 7:22pm 
ur a real neegro
OhNoKahuna 3 Dec, 2015 @ 8:58am 
Anal Fission
janco 9 Sep, 2015 @ 12:00pm 
☪ You say Lady Gaga, I say Allah
☪ You say Miley Cyrus, I say Allah
☪ You say T-Pain, I say Allah
☪ You say Eminem, I say Allah
☪ You say Jonas Brother, I say Allah
☪ 92% of teens have turned to western degeneracy. If you are part of the 8% that still upholds the path of Islam, copy and paste this message to 5 other walls. DON'T LET THE SPIRIT OF ISLAM DIE!!!!!