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358.5 изиграни часа (335.5 часа по време на рецензията)
heehee, payday 2 :]
Публикувана 22 ноември 2023. Последно редактирана 22 ноември 2023.
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What a strange game. This is one of those games I saw and heard of a lot when I was a kid. I used to spend all my hours just sitting on my pc looking for games to play. However, this one scared me too much, and so I never tried it.

Fast forward to 2023, and I finally got a chance to enjoy the game. (Technically started playing in 2022 and just ended up picking the game up and dropping it randomly here and there.) But man, was I missing out. First of all, I love games about catastrophic alien invasions. I also love games about spirituality, ghost, and the like. This game is a strange, but Very unique mix of both.

You play as Tommy, a Cherokee gentleman who serves as this games protagonist. You're in a bar with some of his family, when suddenly, aliens just invade out of nowhere, and tear the place apart, and abduct them all.

There's lots of really interesting details, like the fact that you get to see so many random people getting taken and carried around like you. There's lots of things like that, that show you just how world-wide this invasion is. People being tortured, killed, and harvested.

A lot of people might have a problem with how the game is very much an early 2000s idtech game, meaning it follows the same formula of "Kill enemies, advance, kill boss, repeat." However, the enemies, level design, bosses, and many other things help to make the game feel fresh, and helps it not get old too fast.

Since the game has a lot of elements of Native American culture, Tommy is transported to a spiritual realm where his grandfathers spirit resides. These sections help a lot to give the player a break from the grey, metal, industrial interiors that sprawl through most of this game.

That isn't to say there isn't anything else pretty to see, you'll find plenty of Really cool, big set pieces. Giant rooms with all kinds of devices, Huge windows viewing out into space with many planets and stars in sight, etc. There's lots of horror elements to the game as well, and it throws quite a few curveballs.

A few issues I had with the game, however.

Mainly, dying in the game doesn't really happen. When you die, you have to play a little minigame to get your health and spiritual ammo back, and then you'll respond where you died. While this is a neat mechanic to negate having to just die and reload a save, it got to a point where I just religiously quick saved and quick loaded so I wouldn't have to sit through it. It's not bad, and it's not like it's even that long, it's just that it did indeed end up getting a bit tedious after a while, even if it is cool.

The pacing is a little all over the place. Tommy goes through like 3 character arcs in just 5 hours (I say 5 hours mostly cause that's about how long it took me to beat the game), and overall things feel just a bit rushed. It's nothing too bad though, and I still Really liked the story.

Overall, the game was a lot of fun! There was plenty of really cool, and weird weapons to play with, aliens to shoot, sights to see, and experiences to have. I loved the Native American aspects of the game. I feel like that culture is Very unexplored when it comes to games, and I feel like it adds SO much to this game. I loved the music, atmosphere, and overall vibe of the game. I didn't play multiplayer (Or as the game calls it, MultiPrey LOL) since the service for it is obviously not available anymore, but from the videos I've seen of people playing it, it doesn't seem all too interesting, probably just tacked on at the end of development since it was popular to add deathmatch multiplayer to everything at the time.

The credits song goes hard, too. It's 'Take Me Home'. by After Midnight Project. And man, it reeks of early 2000s LOL. I miss the era of games where they were just so experimental with weird ideas like this, and at the end, the bow they used to tie it all up is a punk-rock song that feels straight out of my childhood MP3 player.

I definitely recommend the game, even though you can't really buy it on Steam anymore, for... some reason.

You can buy a key from resellers but I wouldn't recommend that. The problem being, aside from buying a physical copy (Which I've heard actually works with Steam if you use the CD Key? I could be wrong though) and pirating, it's the only way to buy the game. Digital stores are weird like that.
Публикувана 26 юни 2023.
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5.7 изиграни часа (4.7 часа по време на рецензията)
As someone who's been a Huge fan of White Day since I was 11 years old (around 2010, 2011 was when I first played the OG game that was made in 2001.) And if you've never played that game, I wanna say Please do, because it's a Very good, atmospheric, and Really freaky game. However, it has aged a bit, and the chasing mechanics are quite a bit more frustrating then they are entertaining. But honestly, the performances, graphics, art style, and characters alone are honestly enough to continue making me love the original, even after all these years. The main issue is how known the OG game is for being Stupidly tedious to set up. You have to jump through quite a lot of hoops, and not for the reasons you'd think. It actually runs quite well on modern systems with a patch, but you need to trick the game into even letting you play at all. It needs to think you're playing on a Korean computer, or else the game will just have all sorts of weird and bizarre bugs and problems. Aside from that, though, it's Absolutely worth the experience imho.

The Remake, along with the OG, are games I hold Super near and dear to my heart. I enjoyed them and their characters So much when I was a kid, and still do to this very day. I love the series dearly, so you can imagine how excited I was when the teaser for this game dropped.

The remake was made for mobile and ported to PC sometime in 2017. The Port had quite a bit of issues on launch (Even some now, but not really anything that ruins the game, at least imo.) However, when it first launched on PC, the AI was so hilariously broken. The Janitors could see through walls and would practically Never lose you. Now with patches and all that, the game plays much more alike to the original, but with better, updated movement, and is quite well optimized, especially compared to how it was before, which was that it ran very poorly, crashed quite a bit, had the previously mentioned AI issues, and also had some specific places where you would just instantly die for no real reason, before you had the chance to react to anything that was going on.

A lot of that is alike to how this game is on launch. I looked everywhere for news on this game when I first saw the teaser for it quite a long time ago, but Never learned anything. I remember seeing one article, but the information in it was not very helpful. (And don't bother checking the Wiki either, as nice as it is to see some of the more obscure and weird facts of the game series, it's Horrible for actual news or anything involving updates on future titles.)

The game released only a few days ago, and I learned this because a friend told me. I literally had no idea it was even available until he told me. Well, "Available" as it was on launch. According to many people, the AI was horribly broken, and the game ran pretty poorly, as well as crashed quite a lot. See what I'm getting at, here? Sounds quite a lot like the Remake did on launch. A couple patches later, and I finally decided to give the game a try. First thing, I actually Love how the game looks. I feel like it still captures the White Day style very well, despite seeming to go in a different visual direction, as well as being handled by a different developer. The lighting is Really nice, I like the darkness relying mostly on Moonlight, as that is Much more like the original. However, my problem is the Flashlight. I feel like it's bright enough?? my problem is it's So zoomed away and focused solely on the center of your screen, so if you're standing too close or too far, you won't be able to tell what you're looking at. It just makes it hard to see anything in smaller rooms, which is the kind of rooms you'll be spending your time in throughout this episode.

Oh yeah, for some reason the game is episodic now. I have a Lot of issues with this, but for now since there is only one, I have no idea how they're gonna handle the rest, so I guess I'll wait to say much about that until we know more.

The ghosts were really cool, I'm a HUGE ghost nerd, and I love to see popular and obscure ghosts alike. I'll try to avoid spoiling it, but this game contains quite a few popular, and unpopular ghosts from many folklore. I also Really like the mechanic of the Camera, you can use it to take pictures, and find even more unique ghosts throughout the school. However, you need to find the pictures scattered in many lockers, which tell you where to take the pictures. Taking them in the right location will count towards your collection, where you can view them all. The pictures themselves seem to be actual art, and the art itself is SUPER well done, creepy, and grotesque, I absolutely adore it. A lot of them creep me right out.

We got to see an old character through a flashback, and I hope we get to see more, cause I love this games style, and would love to see the other characters in this style, too. Especially Ji-Hyeon, my favorite from the last game! ♥

The sound design and music is pretty good! There isn't a whole lot of music, but what's there is Really good. (Much like the Remake.) Some of the sounds got a bit repetitive and annoying at times, like the Cops radio, and the sounds related to the doors. But other than that, it was pretty good all around.

Now my problems with the game. I don't like how they haven't done much to improve the chases. It still feels like the same "Keep running and slamming doors in their face until they give up", or "Loop them through class rooms till they lose sight of you", or "Hide in a bathroom for 60 seconds." It's very deliberately meant to stall you and make the game longer, which is frustrating. because I Want to experience everything in the game without being hassled every 5 seconds. Making progress becomes especially difficult near the end of the episode, because the AI seems to get more and more challenging as you progress. No he can't see through walls, and it is possible to lose him quite easily, but it's just so time consuming, and it becomes mind-numbing eventually. Then, for some reason, sometimes he can just hear you turn your flashlight on, and then make his way to your exact location. His collision box is also Huge, so it makes it REALLY hard to kite around him in small rooms, making the chases Even more tedious and time consuming. Thankfully, healing is done automatically when you reach safety, but that just.. Kinda tells me that they knew it was annoying to get chased and hit so often, so they opted for automatic healing instead of using items. I'd have preferred using Items if the chases were longer, but less frequent and more fair.

Now, I'm gonna be reaching a bit of spoiler territory for this next bit and I kinda can't avoid that, so read the rest of this at your own risk.

At the very end of the episode, there's a section where you have to run away from the school's president, while avoid being hit by these green spirits. I died at least 15+ times here, because you really can not go anywhere NEAR these guys without getting hit, and instantly killed by them. They have a pattern they walk every time, and so the first two rooms are easy. But the last ones are just Stupidly hard because you have such small little windows of time to make it past them. It doesn't help that their collisions are so fat, it seriously feels like they reach further than they look like they should.

All in all, I actually Really enjoyed this. A lot. It was really cool to see the school again, especially in such a nice style! The lighting definitely helped a Lot, too. It looks Very good. The ghosts were really cool, puzzles were fun, if not a bit ridiculous sometimes. All in all, I'm actually quite pleased with this, and am looking forward to the next episode. Here's hoping it only get's better from here, and that not every episode is so broken on launch.
Публикувана 19 февруари 2023. Последно редактирана 19 февруари 2023.
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17.2 изиграни часа (5.4 часа по време на рецензията)
I absolutely love this series to bits. They're so comforting and filled with passion. I love playing it with my amazing group of friends, and I literally can't think of anyone I'd rather play with besides them. I love my friends so much, and I'm so glad that I got to go through the latest installment with them for the third time. We failed our first two runs, and happily started a third game, which lasted all the way to 1:45 AM. We almost started a fourth, if it weren't for how late it was, and how tired we are. I say are, cause I'm writing this review Immediately after our successful, and third run. My friends even wanted me to screenshare as I wrote my review for the game haha! These games give us so much happiness and enjoyment. We love to indulge in the world and the characters, but it also helps us enjoy each others company, and even learn more about each other sometimes! The amazing end credits animation is always such a gorgeous treat, too. These games deserve the good reviews and they deserve the money as well. I will continue to support these devs happily for as long as they continue to make games for me and my amazing, wonderful friends to enjoy. This game, just like the other "Monster" series of games, put such a huge smile on my face. I thoroughly enjoyed this game through and through, and I look forward to playing again with my friends tomorrow. I love Beautiful Glitches games, and I seriously hope they never stop making things. I love the art, the writing, the characters, the everything. These games are so beautiful, fun, charming, and give me so much comfort and good vibes. God I just SOAK these games in, I love Everything that this game, and the other installments have to offer. Anyways, I have no idea how many times I've repeated myself in this review, but god I seriously love this game, and my awesome friends, and I'm glad we once again got to experience the newest game together, as very close friends. We love you, Beautiful Glitch! And I am happy to write a good review for one of your games yet again, and will happily do it for your future games. (As asked so kindly in the ending animation sequence ^^) From one indie creator to another, Love you and all the hard work you amazing folks do, and I'm excited to continue supporting you!~ ♥
Публикувана 24 октомври 2022. Последно редактирана 24 октомври 2022.
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8.2 изиграни часа (4.3 часа по време на рецензията)
Game is really cool! I love Gundam, and have been hoping for a Gundam FPS to arise at some point. I even started making my own at some point. When this game was announced, I was beyond hyped. Me and a friend of mine eagerly awaited for more info on the game. Beta test rolls around and we both hop on it. Game is super unbalanced, weird, and just generally bizarre, but it was Really fun, and at least playable. I never crashed, had many performance issues (Besides some lag on some of the bigger maps), or really even had too much of a problem with the game besides the occasional bad performance, and wonky balance. However, with this "Release", it feels like a HUGE step back compared to how the Beta test was. Not only is the performance just Worse (Even on the lowest settings), but the games balance feels worse, too. With the addition of Mobile Suits that can be bought, they're CLEARLY superior to the stock line up. Usually, you can take on most of the suits in a 1v1 between all of the suits, however, with the suits that need to be bought, or """Earned""", there is just No comparison. It's actually silly how OP the paid suits are. Yes, you can earn the suits, however you only earn enough to buy one suit, and by the time the next battlepass releases, you'll have a chance to earn another. But you'll always be behind if you don't pay for them, because the prices are actually INSANE. 10$ per Unit, 30$ for skin bundles (Which, by the way, are "On Sale" compared to their supposed 80$ original price tag, but it's one of those things where the sale never ends, and is just there to make you feel FOMO.). So not only are locked suits Insanely OP, Prices are ridiculous, Performance is worse, and Balance has remained practically unchanged. At least the Beta test was playable, but now I can barely play more than 2 matches without the game Hard crashing. The crashes are actually so bad, the game will freeze for a long time, and your monitors will just start flashing black randomly. You lose so much control of your PC during this, and either have to wait for the game to do something on it's own, Restart your PC, or try your best to navigate Task Manager blindly (I Ironically had to master this skill years ago lmao). It's just silly. Everything about this game is so cool. The visuals are great, Gameplay is janky but the foundation is solid and fun at its core, the mobile suits are SUPER cool and are well designed, Sound design could use some work, but what's there is pretty good. I wish the game wasn't so broken though. Broken in Balance and Performance lmao. Really hope that it gets better, but I'm so tired of games releasing like this and having to wait for it to get better. I like this game WAY more than Overwatch, I love Gundam, but at least I can actually play Overwatch for more than one match. Overwatch is a Way more polished game than Gundam Evolution. You would think a Beta test is meant to iron out all these issues, but I guess not. Fingers crossed we don't have to wait 7 years to get somewhere decently playable.
Публикувана 25 септември 2022. Последно редактирана 25 септември 2022.
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1,055.8 изиграни часа (1,055.2 часа по време на рецензията)
A great, simplistic introduction to Animation, and Poster Making. I started with SFM around when I was 16, and got the hang of it, along with many command lines/arguments, and other misc types of prompts you will eventually end up needing to remember quite frequently for Materials, lighting, models, shading, etc. While it is fairly easy to get the hang of, it can be quite difficult to wrangle as your projects inherently become more and more complex. This software is quite old now, and hasn't seen an update in well over 5 years, and also runs on an Extremely outdated version of the Source Engine. That being said, this doesn't prevent the extremely talented, dedicated, and passionate Animators from making absolutely mind blowing, and impressive work with it. While it's a great introduction to Animation, and it helped me fully pursue animation as a medium, I really wish that I started learning Blender when I was younger, instead of this. SFM is great in so many ways, but will only ever get you so far. Commissions and other indie hiring work is about all you'll get with SFM skills, Blender, Maya, and 3DS Max are studio standard, and are what you Really want to have under your belt if you ever want to get hired for anything Animation related (Although Blender knowledge is more or less gonna be required at some point, even if you're strictly dedicated to SFM.). Not only that, but Blender is just better, more powerful, and much more appealing than this version of SFM (I say this version, because Half Life: Alyx comes with it's own version of SFM that runs on Source 2, the latest version of the Source engine.), and I really wish that I just ended up going with Blender in the beginning. The problem is how much more accessible, easy to use, and even Fun SFM is. SFM has a vast, unique list of community-made workshop items that can be easily and instantly accessed within SFM. SFM also comes bundled with Many Source engine assets to play with, even more so if you have other Source games installed, those (usually) can also be loaded into SFM, albeit usually with a lot of bugs, and problems, since most of them are on much later versions than SFM is. But on top of the stuff coming bundled with and added onto SFM, the program itself makes adding in character models and props Extremely easy, and the fact that you can really just easily load in Maps for your backdrop also makes posters, and animations Remarkably quick. Hell, the fact that you can spawn Props in so easily, also makes Scenebuild much easier, too. (Scenebuilding pretty much just meaning making your own backdrop, or "map" to make animations/posters in by placing objects, lights, and other types of things around to create what you have in mind.)
In the end, I feel like SFM is a great starting point for beginning animators, especially if they're Very young, much like I was. But regardless of how easy it is to use, I still always wish I was introduced to Blender, first. I would love to have as much knowledge in Blender, as I do in SFM. Thankfully I've been slowly making a switch to Blender, and the quality in my Art, and Animation has improved drastically ever since. I'm hoping to eventually leave SFM behind for Blender.
Anyways, I do recommend SFM for SUPER early beginners, with the hopes that they'll use it to gauge whether or not Animation/3D Artwork is for them, and then they can switch to Blender in the future to make the full-force commitment.
Публикувана 17 септември 2022.
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2.7 изиграни часа (2.6 часа по време на рецензията)
Words honestly can't describe how much I just genuinely love this game. I remember when I first heard about it by watching PewDiePie play it back in 2012, and ever since then it's been my all time favorite RPG Maker game. I spent probably 200+ hours just replaying it over and over again, I have no idea what it was about Ib, but the kid me was just so in love with this game. I had the soundtrack on my PSP which I carried everywhere and listened to often, I replayed the game what had to have been at least over 100 times, and I was there for Every update. I remember when the Extra Dungeon update dropped and I was so excited, I had thought the game wasn't gonna be getting anything new, and there the Extra Dungeon update came in. I kept doing the steps to unlock the Dungeon wrong, and I ended up replaying the entire game 4 times in one day, Just to get to that Dungeon, because I wanted to play through it so bad. I had known about other RPG Maker games before, but Ib was the one that Really stood out to me, and got me into the rest. Ib is one of my biggest inspirations for wanting to make my own unique and bizarre games, and stories. There's just so much I could say about what this game has done for me, but I'm sure I'd run out of space to type, honestly.
When I read that there was a Remake coming to Steam, I was beyond excited. If not for an excuse to replay the game once again, then for the fact that I'd get to hopefully see the game with some new ideas and changes that Kouri would have wanted to make to the game. It was all just so exciting to me. I bought it as soon as I could, and even though it's not in English yet, I still played through the game as best I could. When I couldn't use my memory to complete stuff, I would try my best to translate the dialogue into English. It was so much fun revisiting this game, the new artwork, new puzzles, new ideas, and just generally, everything about this remake warms my little heart, and brings such a big smile to my face. I imagine now that I've gotten back into this game, I'm gonna be replaying it over and over again, just like I did back in 2012-2015.
What else can I say? This game holds the most special place in my heart, and it will always mean the world to me. I'm really grateful that this came to steam, and I'm honestly really grateful this remake happened at all! What a pleasant surprise. I'm just so uncontrollably happy, Thank you so much Kouri for making one of my most Favorite games of all time, I really hope to see more from you in the future, and I am extremely glad, and happy to see you still around. You're my hero! ^w^ ♥
Публикувана 19 април 2022. Последно редактирана 19 април 2022.
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119 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
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234.3 изиграни часа (171.1 часа по време на рецензията)
I couldn't really say as much as I wanted in this review, there was just too much with this game I wanted to talk about, but unfortunately I couldn't express just how much of strangely mixed game this is.

I should preface this by saying, I enjoy playing this game a lot. The gameplay is Very fun, the combat and movement is Really satisfying when you get it down, and the variety in characters, equipment (even if pretty much all of it get's outclassed by the Perfected Ultimate set and becomes pointless to run anything except that.) and there's some very basic gameplay elements outside of the combat sections, which can be fun at first, but get's pretty tedious to be completely honest.

First off, this game is, at it's base price (and almost Always the only price as the game RARELY goes on sale) Is 60$. This game came out almost 4 years ago, and they haven't lowered the price At all since then. Not only that, but the sales this game goes one (the rare times it does) is barely enough to justify spending the money on the game, especially with the next points I'll be bringing up.

This port is unfinished, and should not be priced the way it is, without fixes.
First of all, it's really badly optimized. Meaning, some levels, it runs great! and some levels, for no reason at all, it runs Horrendously. I'm talking, I've played some levels where I get 144+ frames, and some where I got 15. It's extremely inconsistent, and that is absolutely absurd.
Another thing about the PC port, it may be small, but a lot of the achievements, and other outlets for this game are incredibly lacking. First off, look at the description for some of the achievements in them. "Acquired all trophies"? that may just be a nitpick, but it's clear that this is a Playstation port, since on Playstation, they're called Trophies, not achievements. "Acquired 100,000 RegimC40ent funds"??? What the hell?? Where did the "C40" come from? What's with this typo? "ched 100% gallery completion"? This is the kind of thing I'm talking about, it's just so painfully lazy. They didn't even bother to read over the achievements they ported, there's literally no way they read the descriptions even once, they just made sure they worked, and called it a day, didn't even check if there was any kind of error or anything at all.

There's little to no social aspects about this game at All. If there are a bunch of players online in the "Online Mode" lobby, you will see them. However, Only in spirit. it'll be like they're just NPCs of the players characters, rather than being able to actually see, and interact with the players. On one hand, it's kind of cool, cause if there are a Lot of players, they'll all be doing things like doing practice fighting, standing around, sleeping, working out, etc. It's cool! but on the other hand, it makes it feel really fake, like you can't actually Do anything with them, and they can't do anything with you, either.

This brings on another HUGE negative about the game, and that's the multiplayer.
The multiplayer (Or "Another Mode" as the game calls it lmao), is just you playing through campaign missions (But only ones you've already completed, You can't do live coop with each other unless one of you has already finished it. There are some missions you can use "Emergency Flares" for, with Anyone can answer, not just your friends. This is only for some missions, and this also sometimes just doesn't work properly at all in the first place.), Scout missions, and you can also use this mode to host other multiplayer game modes. Think of Another Mode as just the general online lobby hub where you can host, join, and do anything involving the online.

Now, the online itself...leaves SO Much to be desired. You can have 4 players (including yourself) in a lobby together for Coop, and I believe you can have even more than that for the other modes like Predator mode, vs mode, etc.
However, the framework that the online mode uses is Horrible. Not only is lag Constant, but the de-sync is just horrendous. There's a mechanic in the game where if a Titan gets angry at you, it'll freeze Everything around you till this titan loses sight of you, or is killed. Not a bad idea on paper (although this gets incredibly obnoxious and annoying in Inferno Mode, where pretty much Every single titan you target will almost always initiate this.) the problem is, when this happens in multiplayer, whoever it happened for, is now HEAVILY de-synced from everyone else. It's the worst when it happens to the Host. This happens because it freezes time for that player, but not for everyone else. So while say, Your time is frozen, everything is still happening around everyone else. The best thing the devs could have done to fix this is either make it so the slow-mo doesn't happen in multiplayer, Ever, or they could have made it so that it slowed time down for Everyone, not just the target player.

I would once again like to remind you, they're wanting 60$ for this game. A game that heavily boasts it's online modes and features that are incredibly bogged down and limited to Just menu interactions/Fake Player NPCs in the lobby that only take on the appearance of other players, and when there is actual, Real player interaction, you don't even know if it's actually real, because the odds of you being de-synced from each other are more likely than the game actually working as "intended".

The de-sync itself causes horrible effects on the lobby. The host will kill a titan but for other players, it will still be alive and causing damage, or they'll kill a Dire Elimination (basically a boss spawn) but the players will still be trying to kill it. They'll hack limbs off titans (and the players will be able to see that!) but the titan will still act like it has these limbs for other players, despite the titan working correctly for the host. It can also get So bad, that you'll just get straight up disconnected at some point. It's bad.

You have to grind for Everything, you practically have to do it all Alone unless you just Really want the de-synced, practically just the "spirit" of your friend in your lobby, you have to do everything constantly over and over again, you have to deal with the poor PC ports optimization, lack of customization, oddly implemented controls (I like the control scheme itself, even if it's not the greatest, I don't mind the layout itself. It's the way the game Feels to play at times as a result of console controls on a keyboard and mouse that's the problem, Sometimes.), Horrible, Absolutely unacceptable online connection, Practically No social elements, Lazy design, Slow menus that force you to watch the same animation each time you wanna open your menu, move to the next page, click on anything, etc, Grindy gameplay that I admit, I enjoyed and still do enjoy, a Huge, 60$ price tag for a game with so many little and big issues spread throughout the entire experience just isn't worth it for me.

Would I recommend the game in it's current state? It's hard to say. But given the price tag, frustration, and function of the current state of the game? I'm unfortunately leaning more towards No. Here's to hoping this game is updated and improved, I know it's possible, just gotta wait and see what happens when Season 4 Part 2 has been out for a while, I guess.

If you think you'll enjoy the gameplay by yourself, or you Really, REALLY don't care about the online issues, then you should give the game a try. However if anything I mentioned bothers you, I'd either wait till the game goes on sale again (Whenever tf that is LOL)
Публикувана 12 януари 2022. Последно редактирана 12 януари 2022.
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Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
I've been a supporter for this game ever since I saw the teaser trailer back in 2016, and I pre-ordered as soon as I could. When I was given access to earlier builds, I was a bit worried about how the game would come out. Now, though, I have to say, this is just absolutely fantastic. The settings, atmosphere, music, sound design, animation, gunplay, customization (for what it is at the moment), and just everything in general is fantastic. I played SO Much SWAT 4, and absolutely loved that game to death, this game is no exception. The SWAT 4 inspiration is very much here, but also the game is very much it's own thing that isn't afraid to have it's own identity. This game is absolutely a blast to play whether it be Solo, or with my friends. I absolutely cannot wait to see what else they have in store with future updates!
Публикувана 20 декември 2021. Последно редактирана 20 декември 2021.
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148.9 изиграни часа (52.9 часа по време на рецензията)
I'm leaving my old review here for sentimental reasons. Halo has really been ruined for me because of Infinite, and I don't see it getting any better unfortunately. Everything 343 says is simply untrue and they will never come around on Infinite. However, MCC's development team has been doing an absolutely amazing job with that game, I highly recommend switching over to MCC to show 343 that we won't stand for the garbage they expect us to put up with.

Coming hot out of finishing the game. Hell, I'm actually writing this as the credits roll haha!
My family has been halo fans ever since CE. My dad brought home the very first xbox with Halo CE, and the rest was history. Ever since then, they've gone to every possible midnight release, and we played through each campaign coop together on legendary. Sad to say that we lost one of our brothers last year. It hurts me to know he couldn't be here to experience Infinite. He would have loved this.
I'm also sad to say that I played this completely on my own. I was alone the whole way through, in my room. I spent the last two days thinking about, well, a lot of things, and just enjoying the game and life in general. Safe to say, I absolutely loved this campaign. The story, characters, etc, I was immersed the whole way through. I had my worries, doubts, and fears, but.. I can confidently say, that this was genuinely a true, and memorable halo experience. Everything. From the music, all the way down to the gameplay. A real halo game, through and through. Halo is my favorite series, ever. It means the world to me, Halo will Always be in my life, whether it be through memories and nostalgia, or through new games and content. I'm glad to have grown up with Halo, it gave me so many things. Made me laugh, cry, and just all around inspired me to become who I am today, and even inspired me to get into making games and animations, so that I could hopefully one day pass something along to a new generation, that will appreciate it just as much as I appreciated Halo. Thank you 343, for a truly memorable experience, and I really can't wait to see what's next. And to my brother who is sadly no longer with us, I hope that wherever you are, you got to see this game. Love you.
Публикувана 9 декември 2021. Последно редактирана 6 септември 2022.
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