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It's super fun, BUT...

Give it a little while to iron out the bugs. In it's current state, the game with this dlc has issues with U.I. bugging out, desync ruining multiplayer games, crazy event spam at times, and a bit more. Tours & Tournaments is great. The movement system is cool, giving me something to do other than just war, war, war is great, and all the new ways to interact with people is awesome. The new system for some of the perks like hunter and blade master now having a progression system instead of being a flat perk is great idea and really shows the proficiency that some people have in some areas and just how much work they have put into things. All in all, it's just a great DLC, if not a bit pricy but honestly once it's polished (which devs shouldn't have to do post launch, that really irks me, just release it finished) I'd say it's worth close.

I'd say give it a month from when I write this to and check other reviews to see if it's still buggy by then. You can play around the bugs but some of them are pretty rough.

EDIT: Not sure why it says I have no time in this, have played alot lol. Will probably fix soon.
Skrevet: 22. maj 2023. Sidst redigeret: 22. maj 2023.
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46.0 timer registreret i alt (4.0 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Anmeldelse for emne med tidlig adgang
I have not played this game very long but I'm having a ton of fun with it. My friends and I really enjoy this game. There are a few issues I've had like connectivity for just starting matches and some graphical errors but all in all a good experience. It is early access after all. Would recommend this game.
Skrevet: 19. december 2021.
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11.1 timer registreret i alt (9.5 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
If you like Civilization games, you will like this game. More depth to pretty much everything. More focus on your government style. Better combat and even tactical turn based combat plus army composition isn't just one unit and they can be massive. Would highly recommend. I played during the Victor Opendev and it has a few kinks it needs to work out but all in all is a very enjoyable experience.
Skrevet: 27. april 2021.
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766.9 timer registreret i alt (34.4 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
So just to start off, I am a bit of a Paradox fan so this may be a little biased. Crusader Kings III, like the other Crusader Kings games is less of a grand strategy game and more of a role playing game. Don't get me wrong, there is still a whole grand strategy game here, but (at least for me and my friends) it's more of being a sadistic dude from the 9th century AD, creating an empire out of some silly tribes and then getting even more froggy from there. There are four areas I normally would look at in a game. Gameplay, Visuals, Performance (PC Performance with my mid tier that acts like a potato at times), and then the Company.

Gameplay - The gameplay is very fun. It goes as I mentioned earlier as it is both a grand strategy and a role playing game. It can be hard to get into the game as far as learning all of the mechanics and such, but that comes with time. Plus, as far as UI for learning those mechanics, this is probably one of the best games as far as a UI Paradox has put out. It can feel intimidating to even try half the stuff you can do in this game but is very rewarding once you see the progress you've made. Even if your goals are more internal and and less about taking all of the land in the world, you can play pretty much your own game in a game. Tons to do and almost unlimited replay ability.

Visuals - If you haven't seen the pictures from the steam page or haven't seen the game on YouTube, it's a top-down style of game. I feel the visuals have been improved since the last CK title. The people look well modeled, the map looks very nice both up close and when you zoom out to see the whole of Europe, North Africa, Middle East, and Western Asia. It's not very explosive with intense rendering and effects but what it does have feels refined and well put together.

Performance - This game runs well even if you haven't made a computer that would be used at NASA. I run the game on a fairly mid tier gaming pc with an I7 cpu and a 1050 ti gpu with the best graphics settings no problem. It's not a super gpu intensive game though you do need to process a fair amount of things going on all at once. My friends who have less into their specs don't complain either. It can stutter for me once in a while but it's like when something extreme has happened like the Holy Roman Empire fragments into like 100 little states trying to take what they can. Generally, the game runs well with no issues.

Company - The reason I include company in my reviews is because you can tell a company's intent in the game and identify problems immediately (EA). Paradox is fairly good at keeping business and game making apart. They also let you use all of the DLC that the host uses even if you don't personally own it yourself which is awesome. Paradox has released games like Hearts of Iron, Stellaris, and many more great games of the same genre.

Conclusion - This game is a must have if you like early medieval to late medieval games, grand strategy, and immersive role playing games. It is so much fun conquering the world as the only Sadist who follows ♥♥♥♥♥ that ever ruled England (because did I mention you can create your own ruler). It is super fun meming and playing the game legit. I couldn't recommend this game more. 5/5 stars easily.
Skrevet: 17. april 2021.
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634.2 timer registreret i alt (81.0 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
This game has always been a game that I've enjoyed watching on YouTube. I had it on console (Xbox) and it was super fun then. I finally get a PC and the game is even better. The situations you find yourself in are zany enough to be interesting every time but not so crazy where you lose sight of what is happening. The mods for this game are cool too, like for example the Star Wars mods you can get for this game make it a whole new level of awesome for me. Me and some friends pretty much RP'd the Star Wars universe, making the different factions and playing them out as we see fit. The whole climate that is built in the game, whether you be a friendly species or horde of devouring aliens here to cleanse the galaxy, every action feels rewarding and consequential at the same time. The base game, in and of itself, is very good. If you are a fan of the Grand Strategy genre as well as a spacey/sci fi setting, this game is definitely for you. The graphics also are not bad, all things considered. You by no means are looking at something as visually complex as say Battlefield V but watching the space battles unfold as your fleets clash, watching giant death rays annihilate entire planets, seeing your soldiers get in landing ships and storm the beaches, it's all real good. I would give this game 5/5 stars. Good graphics, good game play, and just an all around good time. I also really appreciate how Paradox handles DLC when it comes to multiplayer. So long as the host has the DLC, everyone in the match has access to it, so if you have that one friend who can't always shell out for them, you can help them out without it costing you anything. Would recommend this game STRONGLY!
Skrevet: 19. juli 2020.
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102.2 timer registreret i alt (2.3 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
This game looked really good when I was reading about it and watching other people play. I got to play it finally and I'm not happy to say the least. There is no balance between weapons. As it stands, the only weapons that matter are the Rapier, the Longsword, or the Spear. Everything else might as well come with a suicide button. There is literally 3 gamemodes. One is you hoping to fight with a team against a team but is actually you fighting 14 people because your team picked instruments instead of weapons. Then there is Battle Royale which at this point is a sign of a desperate developer to stay relevant. Lastly, there is a horde mode that to be honest, I never tried because I was already fed up with the Frontlines mode. I had so much hope for this game and was crushed to see it this way. It is also super buggy. Some people don't save their progress after matches (mine did but a friend of mine was stuck at lvl 1). Some people can't navigate the menu without the game crashing. The last thing that ticked me off about this game is that it suffers from the same community issues that Chivalry had. People run into a large group of people, friend and foe, and just swing back and forth. Why they even included a tutorial in this game when that is literally all you have to do to be successful in this game is beyond me. Don't get me wrong, there are people who do fight and have skill. The majority, however, is literally taking a longsword and swinging or has a rapier or spear just spamming stab. 2/5 stars simply because the game is graphically appealing and has lots of potential but the community is bad, the maps are bad, and the balancing is bad. It was only $30 but it's honestly not worth more than $10.
Skrevet: 10. maj 2019.
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1,138.0 timer registreret i alt (248.4 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
I love this game to death. I have been playing it for a long time and feel it is quite the game. I am by no means an expert on PC stuff or even this game but I think that is half of why I like it so much. Some people know how to cheese the game and beat it no sweat. I, however, am learning all the time new ways to perfect my strategy and trying to use real world experience to beat my enemy. It is a constant challenge but that is half the fun. If you are like me and you don't like games that are like dark souls ( I know, get gud scrub ) when it comes to difficulty, this game offers the ability to be hard af in it's own regards but still have that learning area to learn how to defeat any obstacle that comes your way. The modding community for this game is awesome. If you want the game to be modern or WWI, they got a mod for that. The developers also do a great job of keeping the game up to date as well as throwing a wrench in every time a major update comes out which is a great challenge in it's own right. As of the last update, I can't make super death fleets as quickly as I used too but I am learning ways around this. If you like Grand Strategy games and need a game that is easy learn but hard to master, this game is for you. I would give this game 4.5/ 5 stars simply because the AI can be kinda dumb sometimes and make the game easier when it misreads situations and makes really dumb mistakes. If you pick this up, be sure to check out Millennium Dawn and Wolferos Great War mods. They add a whole new flavor to the game as well.
Skrevet: 27. marts 2019.
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