naznot2 11 ม.ค. 2020 @ 7: 34pm 
く,.ヘヽ.    / ,ー、 〉
     \ ', !-─‐-i / /´
      /`ー'    L//`ヽ、
     /  /,  /|  ,  ,    ',
   イ  / /-‐/ i L ハ ヽ!  i
    レ ヘ 7イ`ト  レ'ァ-ト、!ハ|  |
     !,/7 '0'   ´0iソ|   |   
     |.从"     ,,,, / |./   |
     レ'| i>.、,, ,.イ /  .i  |
      レ'| | / k7/レ'ヽ, ハ. |
       | |/i 〈|/  i ,.ヘ | i |
      .|/ / i:   ヘ!  \ |
        kヽ>、ハ   ,.ヘ、   /、!
       !'〈//`T´', \ `'7'ーr'
         ト-,/ |./
         'ー'  !_,.:
RizeIcyy 9 ก.ค. 2019 @ 5: 12pm 
soy papi
EvilReaper 20 ก.ย. 2018 @ 6: 57pm 
+rep く,.ヘヽ.    / ,ー、 〉
     \ ', !-─‐-i / /´
      /`ー'    L//`ヽ、
     /  /,  /|  ,  ,    ',
   イ  / /-‐/ i L ハ ヽ!  i
    レ ヘ 7イ`ト  レ'ァ-ト、!ハ|  |
     !,/7 '0'   ´0iソ|   |   
     |.从"     ,,,, / |./   |
     レ'| i>.、,, ,.イ /  .i  |
      レ'| | / k7/レ'ヽ, ハ. |
       | |/i 〈|/  i ,.ヘ | i |
      .|/ / i:   ヘ!  \ |
        kヽ>、ハ   ,.ヘ、   /、!
       !'〈//`T´', \ `'7'ーr'
         ト-,/ |./
         'ー'  !_,.:
.Barabol 17 มี.ค. 2018 @ 1: 29pm 
That Bird is sow big (lennyface)
RizeIcyy 10 มี.ค. 2018 @ 9: 38am 
+rep picture is a thicc bird
40 year old 28 ธ.ค. 2017 @ 4: 22pm 
i rest my case
40 year old 28 ธ.ค. 2017 @ 4: 22pm 
░░░▌░▄▄▄▐▌▀▀▀░░ THIS IS BOB
▄░▐░░░▄▄░█░▀▀ ░░
40 year old 14 ธ.ค. 2017 @ 5: 01pm 
he protec he attac but most importanlty we turned him into a big mac
POOP 3 ธ.ค. 2017 @ 2: 26pm 
Starry Nights 19 พ.ย. 2017 @ 11: 10pm 
POOP 19 พ.ย. 2017 @ 8: 48pm 
He protec he attac but most importantly he a snac that smile's back goldfish
POOP 19 พ.ย. 2017 @ 8: 46pm 
Starry Nights 19 พ.ย. 2017 @ 8: 30pm 
He protec he attac but most importantly he blac
DooDooFart 2 พ.ย. 2017 @ 6: 21pm 
DooDooFart 2 พ.ย. 2017 @ 6: 21pm 
Are you feeling it now Mr. Krabs
Starry Nights 26 ต.ค. 2017 @ 10: 27pm 
Let's play buried zombies
RizeIcyy 25 ต.ค. 2017 @ 4: 54pm 
bo2 zombies
A9 29 มิ.ย. 2017 @ 11: 01am 
awosome jacop
Moomoi Everyone welcome 11 มี.ค. 2017 @ 11: 18pm 
everyone is good at soldier. the class takes no skill lel.
Phoca 20 พ.ย. 2016 @ 6: 44am 
aww thanks guys
Buku Zulu 21 ก.ค. 2016 @ 7: 48pm 
Jacob is the best!
Jon Lynn 1 ก.ค. 2016 @ 10: 08pm 
Jacob is totes best~! XD Nice game with ya. Peace. :KneelingBow:
mercury 2 ก.ย. 2014 @ 6: 47am 
need 3 emotion detector
Deejudanne 1 ก.ย. 2014 @ 1: 16pm 
added to discuss a trade
Stefan 1 ก.ย. 2014 @ 3: 50am 
Added for Emotion detector
Break 6 ส.ค. 2014 @ 5: 46pm 
hello i add u for your machina killstreak fabricator , just let this message here because i will forgot it xd