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Glossing over the whole Games for Windows Live mess, which I don't think is a fault of the game in any way, let me just say that this game is an absolute riot!

It's unapologetically cliche and doesn't take itself seriously in the best ways possible. The story is bonkers and the characters and dialogue would be right at home in any sci-fi B-movie. But who friggin cares? It's cheesy and hilarious and a blast from start to finish. Everything is over the top, and it's refreshing. Bullet-time kicking/leashing enemies into any of the limitless variety of hazards in every single area, using any of the creatively bonkers super-charged abilities that any of the weapons offers, and sliding around on the ground at speeds that make the laws of physics cringe is what many folks where I was raised would call A DADGUM HOOT MANG!

I read that Epic said they didn't turn a profit on this game and that makes me sad. It's got a phenomenal soundtrack, outrageously fun gameplay, a solid lineup of voice actors (Jennifer Hale, anyone?) and amazing hi-res graphics that still hold up nicely considering the game is 5+ years old. (I was playing on a GTX 960 and I still averaged 50-60 frames on max settings).

So in summary:

-Stupidly fun combat
-Smooth gameplay & well-aged graphics
-Hilariously cheesy dialogue
-Fantastic audio (soundtrack & sound design)
-Solid voice talent
-Outrageous lineup of weapons
-Fantastic level/world design

-If you're uber-offended by the word "d*ck" maybe give this one a pass
-Not really a con, but if you're one to take games super seriously you might be disappointed I guess?

As of the time I'm typing this, the game is $5. You should probably go buy it now.
Publicada em 25 de novembro de 2016. Última edição em 25 de novembro de 2016.
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5,117.8 horas registradas (342.2 horas no momento da análise)
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I originally wrote this game a pretty scathing review. Back when I first played it--extremely excited by the prospect of surviving against and taming dinosaurs--it was fairly early on in the build and on an entirely vanilla PvP server. To this day, I still stand by my assessment that the vanilla version of this game is MUCH too grindy for my tastes. While some people are into the challenge/tediousness of performing the constant and demanding minutae of the game (like staying properly watered and fed and taking literally several hours to tame your first dinos) it just wasn't for me. At all. Some 30 hours in, I was attacked and griefed and lost dinos and loot that had taken most of that time to acquire. So rather than shrug it off and pretend that such an experience was in any way fun, I bitterly wrote off the game and moved on. After all, who wants to sink 30 hours into a game only to have to start over before you even feel like you'd accomplished anything? Hardcore players, I guess, but not me.

Fast forward several months.

I saw some people streaming the game and despite my saltiness, got the itch to try it out again. So I did. Most importantly, I discovered that many servers have modifiers that drastically decrease the grindiness of the game. Increased multipliers on taming speed, resource harvesting/gathering rates, and experience received. Rather than taking literally hours to acquire enough stone to build a simple hut to protect your posessions, this can now be done in a few minutes. Same with taming dinos.

While the kids who have been playing on the server for days or weeks more than you will always still have the natural advantage, these multipliers really do a great job of leveling the field quite a bit. To me, these increased rates should be the normal, with the option to decrese them for an even more challenging (again, see grindy) mode, should the more hardcore players wish it. But to me, this unlocked the full potential of the game, especially as a solo player, or at least, someone who isn't in a 15-player tribe.

At any rate, now that my initial concerns have been resolved, my official thoughts on the game itself are below:


-Studio Wldcard is arguably the most dilligent developer I've ever seen with an Early Access title. The sheer number of new additions and updates and fixes that they constantly release is the most impressive I've seen from any developer ever. *applauds*
-The dinosaurs look great. I mean, really great. *more applause*
-The world is beautiful. Great atmosphere. Audio and visuals are top-notch.
-Once you really get established, there's a constant juggling of tasks to keep you busy. I never find myself just standing around feeling like I have nothing to do. And if I ever feel like a single task becomes too daunting, there are plenty of other things I can do to switch up the experience. Whether it's hunting dinos, building and fortifying an impressive stronghold, deep-sea diving, crafting new and interesting materials and structures, exploring the world, plotting and executing raids against other players, or perhaps defending your base from being raided, there's plenty to do to keep the game from feeling stale.

-The vanilla game is the grindiest game I think I have ever played. (Wanted to say it one more time). Modifiers are HEAVILY recommended.
-Optimization. The game, while getting better all the time, is still extremely taxing, and unless you have a top-notch PC with a fairly top-notch GPU, you're most likely going to have to run the game on underwhelming settings to get any decent performance. And even then, dropped frames are common.
-The UI is still pretty bad. It's been rough from the beginning, and I've read speculation on it being changed, but until this happens, it's functional yet clunky at best and downright frustrating at worst. You'll understand when you try it.
-Still a bit glitchy. Again, it's an Early Access title, so hopefully most of the more common stuff will be fixed, but be prepared for some occasional frustration due to things like clipping through walls/textures and getting stuck, inability to go through doorways, falling through the world and losing your gear, derpy dino AI from time to time, and other random oddball occurences.

All in all, I do recommend this game if survival is your thing, and you have a passion for the prehistoric wonders that used to roam this earth. Be prepared to die a little inside when you find yoruself inevitably griefed or raided , but if you can lay low and play smart, you can get some great satisfaction out of establishing a fortified base and commanding a small army of all kinds of dinosaurs.

If survival games aren't your thing and you have no passion for dinosaurs, well, I'm not sure why you're still reading this. :)
Publicada em 3 de agosto de 2015. Última edição em 24 de junho de 2016.
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22 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
37.0 horas registradas (27.6 horas no momento da análise)
By the time I was done playing this, I'd grown three more sets of balls. I ain't even mad.

11/10 would play again. Right now, actually.
Publicada em 30 de julho de 2014.
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1.2 horas registradas
-nice art

-steep price for what it is ($19 for deluxe)
-dull "gameplay"
-really poor writing
-music not especially gripping
-much more of a visual novel than sim game.

I'm not a dating sim person, I bought this to play along with a friend on twitch.tv who's into these kinds of games. That said, I came into this with an open mind, but unfortunately I just can't see any redeeming qualities here.

The writing is flat out terrible, very amature level stuff. The music is pretty bland (and I paid extra for the soundtrack) and the gameplay is DULL (if you can even call it gameplay). It's more of a click-and-read-along story, and occiasionally you get to specify what activity you want to do, with apparently random results that require no action or effort from the player.

I'm not opposed to dating sims by any stretch, but if you want to build relationships within a game, companies like Tell Tale and BioWare did it much better. And while I realize those aren't exactly apples-to-apples comparisons, I think it's fair to demand better writing and character interaction from a game that is essentially 100% text based, and maybe expect just a little more to engage the player rather than occasionally clicking a choice here and there.

I'm sure I'm not the original intended demographic for the game, but I like to think I'm objective enough, and sadly that's the best I can say about this. That said, I'm sure many will enjoy this game for what it is, and that's fine.

I hope this information is useful.
Publicada em 30 de abril de 2014. Última edição em 30 de abril de 2014.
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