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4.3 hrs on record (0.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
20% of the playerbase has passed level 0, damn I feel sad for the devs who put so much work in desining the other rooms
Posted 3 July.
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96.8 hrs on record (93.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
For a survival game thats just 1 year old rougly it layed out a pretty good and strong foundation. At first glance it may look like a cheap survival game with nothing special to it but I REALLY recommend anyone who likes survival games to give it a try. It does has a really unique gameplay to it and especially the gun building is really fun in this game.

Visuals may not be that appealing yet because the game is still in development but besides that its a really fun survival game.
Posted 25 June.
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12.7 hrs on record
First off I love the idea of this game, it has a very interesting concept of beeing a battle royal game with monsters on the map, which causes teams to shoot more and keep an eye of the inviroment with much more care. However there are 2 really big cons that made me uninstall this game.

- The crosshair and weapons are NOT in the middle of the screen. I have an obsessive disorder and something like this is indeed is a huge deal for me because it triggers me and makes me lose my focus alot. Especially while aiming. Apperantly the devs want to keep this in as it extends the "horror" feeling when you can see more on the upper half, which is fair but atleast give ppl the OPTION to change that if they really dont want to and not force everyone. The game is unplayable for me like that at this state.

I have seen in forums that you can change that option via the game files but it does count as tempering your game files and is bannable so there is that.

-Second con the game has sa really weird way of balancing, most weapons in the game are single shot or slow shooting weapons, which at first glance is a really nice and fun gameplay mechanic since that causes the gun fights to be much slower. Its an amazing feeling having such "slow" gunfights. However there are sum guns that are NOT single shot and are almost rapid fire, those are high level guns and also DLC guns that you can buy in the store as a pack. Beeing a low level player like me getting absolutely obliterated by someonone with such a "high level" gun feels super frustrating and makes me feel not to play this game anymore. If I wanna play something like this I go play world of warcraft and farm low level characters in the starting zone.

3/10 game and only cuz the concept is really good.
Posted 9 March.
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755.4 hrs on record (245.9 hrs at review time)
Probably the best modern strategy game out there without only a focus on war itsself. There is so much more you need to keep track of and manage outside of just "units" which makes the game increadebly versatile and fun. However the combat is still very unique, you wont find something like this anywhere else. With the "leader" ability system you have lot of possibilities to try different builds and playstyles. Easily 8/10

Game has alot of issues and bugs still to this day in online. I have in atleast half of my games with friends random disconnects or desynq problems.
Toturial is trash and barely teaches you anything properly, you have to learn 90% of the game by yourself through trial and error. (Tbf the game is increadibly complicated, still doesnt excuse a bad toturial though)
Also the DLCs are ridiculously overpriced, I bet EA envys 2k games for that.
Posted 26 February.
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58.6 hrs on record (16.2 hrs at review time)
Its a masterpiece. I am mad at myself that I found this game randomly so "late". Its a must play for everyone, even for ppl who are not into calm story exploration games. I also usually dont play such games but this game made it in a very interesting and captivating way you never will find anywhere else. The DLC is almost better then the game, it blew my mind completely.

Its a immersive amazing stoy and the world is just breathtaking. Do not watch any guides or look up anything, it heavily ruines your experience. 11/10
Posted 6 February. Last edited 6 February.
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13.8 hrs on record (2.2 hrs at review time)
First impression really good so far. The game is overall really fun, I love the swap between stealth and then full blown action. It doest get boring to quick and the whole world with that you serve gaia as a warrior against the "technology" seems interesting. Its important to remember that the game developers dont have huge funds or a big publisher behind their back, with that limited budged they got they have done a really good game imo. 8/10
*Edit: Dont get baited by some ppl whining about you lose the game when you get caught in stealh mission. Its literally the first toturial mission where that happens, after that you can freely choose to stealh or just slash through every room if you want to.
Posted 27 December, 2023. Last edited 27 December, 2023.
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202.5 hrs on record (123.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game whipes its ass with Dead by Daylight, top tier quality from graphics to sounds design. Voice actors from almost all characters are doing a great job, most Killers have really funny voice lines. Game is really fun with friends that creates chaotic situations that often go out of hand.
Posted 13 December, 2023.
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50.8 hrs on record (21.7 hrs at review time)
Best out of all the Metro games, movement a little clunky and I wish you could skip some of the conversations but besides that amazing story open world game 9/10 easily!
Posted 21 July, 2023.
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187.1 hrs on record (180.9 hrs at review time)
Overall a good game, imo much more interesting then csgo although I am not that much of a big competetive shooter fan. But even as a casual I am having my fun there. Tactical aspect of the game is beeing enhanced by the extra mechanics like breaching and shooting through walls. Maps are mostly fine and well made. Operators and skins are overpriced asf and the game does need some performence improvements.

Also it shouldve been mentioned that the game servers are not letting you in when you are residing in a country like turkey. I was there for vacation and tried to play it, servers just gave me a weird error message. After hours of digging through the internet with no support help from ubistoft directly I gave up. Eventuelly when I tried to play again back in Germany everything was fine.
Posted 27 January, 2023. Last edited 29 January.
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A developer has responded on 27 Jan, 2023 @ 12:53pm (view response)
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2,401.0 hrs on record (1,064.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Playing this game since Alpha 17. Played there every update atleast 100 hours and more and I survived on any patch around 30-90 days mostly alone but sometimes with 1 friend aswell.


This is the best survival game you will find if you are looking for gameplay and fun oriented games. It offers you a wide range of weapons, items, materials and building possibilities and a lot of crafting. A interesting and big variaty of enemies with different abilities which creates a nice challange. Game is not too easy and requires you to actually try to survive, you can ofc put the difficulty down if you want aswell. The Blood Moon (every 7th day by dafault) is a amazing mechanic in the game cuz it forces you to use up your materials you are gathering, in other survival games they pile up until your chests are getting full but with this you have to keep using your stuff which is a really nice. Leveling and skill tree is very well balanced and interesting with very unique and different builds you can come up with but later once you are very high level you will have anyway everything.


Performence is very bad, still to this day. I struggle to keep up 60 FPS in larger city's and this is probably the biggest issue with this game. Due to the full destructable world it is probably hard to keep the performence up as a Developer which I can understand, just keep in mind that the game is very resourceful and requires you to lower the graphic options most likely. Sometimes you can encounter annyoing bugs or other issues, especially with a friend (had recently in alpha 20 a huge Ping issue that came from the game port). Also the movement overall of you and the enemies is very stiff and restricted which doesnt feel very free and comfortable, this game has a major focus on other mechanics rather than movement and climbing.

Overall pretty amazing game, very fun especially with friends. Game is also receiving regually updates with new content. 9/10!

*There are probably grammar and typos but I dont care tbh

Posted 13 December, 2021.
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