Dubai, United Arab Emirates
My PC build. []
เล่นไปแล้ว 3,099 ชั่วโมง
This game is dominantly comprised of Roleplay and Clue-like servers filled with weird social outcast kids who would murder you in cold blood, screaming "I like ya cut, Gee" while fortnite dancing usually followed by a quick server ban for not laughing at their joke. My most memorable experience was being in a dystopian Mexican-U.S.A Border Crossing RP server where I had to roleplay as a mexican named Julio Montoya Cortez el Tercero. I was tasked to climb and cross Trump's fantasy border that began with a moat and the largest radioactive crocodile that might as well have been from Primeval the movie. Mounted inside was packed with real players RPing as ICE and Border Patrol members waiting to shoot and kill me on sight with semi-automatic assault rifles while yelling the N-word repeatedly. If you were one of the lucky few to survive and make it across in hopes for a new life and a better future, you wouldn't make it past a single block in the city streets without being swarmed by police officers demanding you to show your U.S. Passport before being thrown back into the slums of Mexico only to repeat the process all over again. Not bad.
funni number
Dougie^ 21 ม.ค. @ 12: 55pm 
first 2025 comment :summer2019vehiclehare:
Dupreeh on the blues 29 ม.ค. 2024 @ 2: 39pm 
best 2024 comment!
beef 2 ม.ค. 2024 @ 5: 03pm 
first 2024 comment :csgocross:
Dougie^ 14 ก.พ. 2023 @ 7: 01pm 
first 2023 comment :steambored:
Frost827 12 ม.ค. 2022 @ 12: 39pm 
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Dougie^ 11 ม.ค. 2021 @ 5: 33pm 
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