MIKLE   Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
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Матильда 27 Jun, 2024 @ 10:38am 
Ну ты внатуре Степашка
🅺🅰🅶🅰🆆🅰 17 Jun, 2024 @ 10:10am 
🅺🅰🅶🅰🆆🅰 17 Jun, 2024 @ 10:07am 
dead crowd 8 Apr, 2024 @ 1:07pm 
АЫХУВХАЫВХАХВЫХАХЫВ что ты пишешь , сын bl9doti тренируйтесь , ты же лсище
Joyce 👠 24 May, 2020 @ 11:12pm 
Peter: 🎫 Huh, 🎈 I 🔋 wonder 🌽 what 📒 Scooby 🍧 and 🐠 the 🚙 gang 🥗 are 🍆 up 📀 to? 💗 [Scooby-Doo 🌂 theme 👃 plays] 👾 TV 🥒 Announcer: 💄 We 🎍 now 👑 return 🕺 to 🍖 The 💎 Scooby-Doo ⚡ Murder 🐛 Files. 👔 Fred: 💃 Gee 🥞 whiz, 👽 gang. 🐊 Looks 🏀 like 🐟 the 🐝 killer 👃 gutted 🐛 the 📕 victim, 🍇 strangled 🎽 him 💃 with 💛 his 🥒 own 🌳 intestines 💗 and 💙 then 🌽 dumped 🚕 the 🐊 body 🕺 in 🏓 the 💄 river. 🍧 Velma: 🎄 Jinkies! 👳 What 🎽 a 🔋 mystery! 👑 Scooby-Doo: 🎈 [jumps 🎫 on 😺 Shaggy's 💚 arms] 🏀 Arroo! 🎁 Fred: 🚘 You're 📗 right 🐠 Scoob, 📀 we're 💙 dealing 🚙 with 🌸 one ⛳ sick 🍇 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!
Strick 27 May, 2018 @ 1:54pm 
Bazy has been permanently banned from official CS:GO servers.