.Sydney Clawtooth! :V
lil' blo-dank   United States
The only way to kill a tree that resulted from this seed is for the druid to anally copulate with a specific type of living forest creature. The druid must ejaculate, thereby sowing a seed of love. The MM must roll percentile dice and consult the table below:

Oftentimes, the druid begins an anal frenzy (ANAL FRENZY. WHAT.) attempting to thwart the tree. There is a 10% chance thereafter that the druid develops a bestiality fetish.

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Πɵσịҡɵ 16 Mar @ 10:36am 
That day's coming up again. I don't comment here as often as the others do, but I haven't forgotten.

The futility of life's been weighing on me a lot, man. I have thoughts of coming to see you sometimes. You'd probably be really mad at me.. quiero ser un fantasma anora que somos extranos, yk perromurrcielago amado etc
Gum Jobs R Us 2024 28 Mar, 2024 @ 7:31pm 
Happy birthday. To this day I'm still meeting people who knew you, and they tend to be the coolest folks on the planet. I hope you get a chance to catch up with all of us at some point. We miss you.
Phi 15 Feb, 2024 @ 5:46am 
Another year gone, I still think about you in passing. I'll never forget what little time we had together online, and can only hope that whenever it's my time, that we'll pick up where we left off.

Miss you, buddy.
An Actual Hyena 8 Feb, 2024 @ 4:03pm 
I enjoyed the time we spent together, however brief. I wish we could have had some more.

I miss you, bud.
Blueshirt 4 Jul, 2023 @ 12:43pm 
Sorry I forgot about your birthday again. Been a long time.
Gum Jobs R Us 2024 28 Mar, 2023 @ 8:04pm 
He's right. Happy birthday, man. Hope you're chilling out wherever you ended up; it's almost certainly better than things on our side of the afterlife. When I get there, drinks are on me.