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257.2 godz. łącznie (241.5 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
There is very rarely ever a time you stumble onto something that draws you in, takes hold and refuses to let you go before you experience the roller coaster journey that it has in store for you. Witcher 3 is the epitome of said journey. From start to finish the world that Witcher 3 provides you is filled with a myriad of emotions for you to enjoy. Not all good, and not all bad, but all fulfilling and satisfying.

The interactions you have with other characters in the game are real, gritty, romantic and sometimes frustrating. Just as if would be if you were in Geralt's position in real life. Sure the dialogue choices you are stuck with at times are bothersome and aren't indicative of what you want to say, but that doesn't typically detract from the overall experience and ability to build a rapport and even lasting romance with them. I felt a deep bond with a few of the characters in the game and an not ashamed to admit that I shed a tear for one particular character and shouted at the screen in anger at what transpired. But that's exactly what makes this game so amazing. It involves you to a degree that I can't remember any game in the last 5 years doing. Investing me. Making me care. Making me feel.

The combat is on another level. Don't expect to just spam the attack button and finish the game in record time. No, you have to be methodical, precise and patient. Now it isn't anywhere near the level of BS as Dark Souls or it's ilk, but it will punish you harshly if you aren't paying attention. Each swing matters, each crossbow bolt, grenade or use of the oils and signs you have at your disposal will decide the victor. Now, once you get to a certain level and gear tier, you aren't going to be white knuckling against drowners in White Orchard, but that's just shows you how much you've grown and it does it well. You never feel like a god in the game no matter the level, build or legendary gear you have. Things will still take a chunk out of your ass if you screw around too much.

The quests are all memorable to me. There are some that are super simple and seem pointless, but they are still memorable. There isn't a single side quest that I did that I felt like I wasted my time in doing. Sure the rewards are pure butt, but there's something satisfying about doing it regardless. There are some side quests that are just as compelling and thought provoking as the main story quest. What? It's ridiculous the level of details, love and caring that went into nearly every aspect of this game, and the story, questing and writing is a very clear indication of it.

The music is appropriate for nearly every situation you are put into. Sure the combat music can sometimes get a bit repepative if you get into too many fights too often. But it doesn't make it bad. The tracks are brilliant. Moving, invigorating, somber, playful or upbeat just when they need to be. Sure there are other games with better OSTs, but if the music and soundtrack is the only thing not up to snuff about this game...I think that's fine, because it is by no means bad.

Now there's also a little mini-game within Witcher 3 that I'm sure you've heard of. Gwent. It's amazing in its own right. You can go all pokemon through the game and collect them all and built your deck to be the best Gwent player in the world! It's a satisfying little addition to an already fantastic game. I mean, they made it into its own standalone title. That should be indication enough of how good it is.

There is not enough good I can say about this game. There just isn't. If you are even THINKING about picking this game up, or are a fan of fantasy worlds, realistic characters, great quest design and rewarding combat, Witcher 3 is a class all its own. There is no other game in this genre that I can recommend more with zero hesitation. This has been a long time coming. Don't quite know why I took so long to review the single greatest game I've played in the last 5+ years.

So Steam asks "Do you recommend this game?"...the answer? Hell yes!
Opublikowana: 3 stycznia 2018. Ostatnio edytowane: 3 stycznia 2018.
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0.2 godz. łącznie
In 9 minutes it was able to make me even more excited for the game.

I'm not holding my breath that ALL of the tactics used in the video will be possible in the game, but it was still pretty damn cool to watch. If you have 10 minutes to spare, watch this. It's free, and might help you make a decision on whether The Divison is worth looking out for.
Opublikowana: 12 lutego 2016.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest zabawna
23.1 godz. łącznie (3.5 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Probably one of the first reviews for a game on Steam i've made...but it has to be done.

I'm not averse to challenge or a steep difficulty curve. But that's only acceptable when the game's mechanics and controls are tight enough to overcome those hurdles. Lords of the Fallen does the complete opposite.

First off, the good parts. The game looks pretty damn good. The graphics and surroundings are very atmospheric and draw you into the game's world. It runs smooth on a moderately spec'd PC with shadows turned to low since they're mostly a resource hog that provides little to no immersion (IMO). The armor and weapon designs are awesome. I'm a huge fan of variety when it comes to gear, and that was one of the main draws to this game for me. The leveling mechanics and loot drop boost based on how much XP you're carrying is actually pretty clever, although the increase you get based on the amount of XP you have is almost pointless, 5 levels worth of XP to get a 1.2 times boost? Um...no. Then there's variety in gear choice based upon stats. You can choose to be a walking fortress that's slow but tough with heavy armor, or a nimble rogue with super quick reflexes and little armor to weight you down!...or at least that's how it SHOULD be. Sure with your carcass clad in plates of metal you roll as slow as an overweight armadillo attempting to do a cartwheel, which is only normal I suppose. But get butt naked and you can now roll with the speed of a mongoose and the reflexes of a cat!....which is where the bad comes into play. Weight stats on armor and weapons are a lie!

The game pits you against mobs ranging from tiny annoying spiders to monster sized tower shield weilding enemies. Regardless of what enemy it is, they can attack two or even three times in the same window of opportunity it takes you to get 1 maybe 2 swings if you're lucky. But wait...didn't the game say that the enemies are governed by the same rule set that you are? Meaning that they can be stunned, staggered, blocked or dodged just as well as you? Sure, so long as you're aware that your character isn't really Harkyn, but his stupid cousin Derpkyn, who takes 3 seconds to swing a 1h axe with a weight of 1.00 and can't roll out of the way of an enemy to, well, literally save his life!

Let me break it down in Derpkyn like terms. You're slow. And when I mean slow, i mean ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ slow! A 1 handed axe, the starter shield and all Rogue light weight armor does NOTHING to increase your ability to dodge incoming attacks! The weight stats are a complete lie. Sure, the animation makes it LOOK like you're rolling as fast as Sonic on crack while going after a Chili dog, but it's all in your head. Because even though you may look like you're about to break the sound barrier you get your butt plugged by an enemy who's 4 feet taller than you, has more armor than Iron Man and a weapon that should take the power of a thousand white hot suns to move!

Derpkyn is slow. Regardless of armor and/or weapons. The game isn't hard because of mechanics or learning curve. The game is hard because the movements of all your attacks are slow as frozen balls. Plain and simple. False difficulty due to forced sluggish combat is lame.

Opublikowana: 16 stycznia 2016.
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