Bryce Liddell   Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Experienced gamer from Canada. Been gaming since the home computer was first made popular.. was playing games on the old DOS systems when I was around 4-5, then I was playing games like Witchaven on Windows 95/98. Played games like Dink Smallwood, Witchaven, I've played obscure games and mainstream titles, from stuff like Zork to the Reality on the Norm adventure games. I've played Minecraft and Skyrim, Magicite and Dungeon Keeper 2, City Builders like Zeus; Master of Olympus, Pharoah and Banished. I've played a lot of things and given a little while with either a wiki or a few playthroughs to muddle it through and I can get pretty good at them. I don't do multiplayer unless my friends are playing since I don't really like multiplayer focussed games, I prefer your standard fantasy or sci fi. Role playing and strategy etc.
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Flipout6 27 Oct, 2012 @ 4:08pm 
Flipout6 has been here. This page just moar epic.
AurianaValoria1 15 Jul, 2012 @ 3:38pm 