Peliaika viimeisen 2 viikon aikana:

Näytä maailmanlaajuiset saavutustilastot
Tilastojen vertailu omiisi vaatii kirjautumista
53/53 (100%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset


Earned all achievements.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Seeker of Creation

Completed all master missions and received compensation (excluding extras).
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Indomitable Liberator

Achieved Liberation Rank S.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Crown of Nightmares

Completed the game on a difficulty level higher than nightmare.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.39

Episode Watcher

Viewed all episodes (excluding extra/DLC episodes).
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Field Guide to Erebonian Wildlife

Completely filled the monster guide (excluding extras).
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Chest Grabber

Opened every treasure chest in a single playthrough (excluding the Reverie Corridor and episodes).
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Social Note-working

Completed all of the character profiles in the notebook (excluding extras).
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Cafeteria Commando

Obtained all recipes (excluding extras).
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

True Lake Lord

Caught all varieties of fish (26 varieties + max rod Lv).
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Honorary Literary Club Member

Completely filled the book section of the notebook (excluding Shunran, the Archer of Darkness before Dawn).
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Pom Master

Defeated all characters using Pom (excluding extra characters).
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

VM Champion

Defeated all characters using VM (exluding those with Golden Seal Stone and those at Flame VM Dojo).
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

More Like Rean QUARTZ-er

Gathered all 28 varieties of master quartz.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Collector of Lost Arts

Gathered all 6 varieties of lost arts quartz.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Millionaire x2

Acquired over two million mira.
Avattu 25.8.2021 klo 22.44

Three's Company

Crafted 3 types of weapons with Black Zemurian Ore.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Flawless Jewel

Raised a master quartz to level 15.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Frequent Fighter

Won 100 battles.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Advanced Beatonomics

Won 500 battles.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Combat Champion

Won 1500 battles.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Quick as a Flash

Initiated 300 advantage encounters (including double and triple advantage).
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Breakout Performance

Used 100 S-Breaks in battle.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Tactical Thinker

Won a battle with a tactical bonus of x3.0 or greater.
Avattu 26.8.2021 klo 3.10

Eightfold Obliteration

Defeated 8 enemies at once.
Avattu 27.8.2021 klo 0.35

Break Master

Used over 800 breaks in battle.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Link Master

Raised any two characters to Link Level 7.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Follow-Up Master

Used over 500 follow-up attacks in battle.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Rush Master

Used Rush in battle 100 times.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Burst Master

Used Burst in battle 50 times.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Order Master

Used Brave Order in battle over 100 times.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Valiant Warrior

Used over 100 valiant attacks in battle.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Valiant Sorcerer

Used over 100 valiant arts in battle.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Valiant Healer

Used over 50 valiant heals in battle.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Element Master

Unleashed arts of the enemy's weakness over 100 times in battle.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

The Tested

Overcame the 9 doors of trial and tribulation.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Fun Vacation

Enjoyed all activities in the episode hBeach Vacationh together.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Operation Begins

Commenced Operation: Liberate Crossbell.
Avattu 25.8.2021 klo 18.43

Operation: Liberate Crossbell

Completed the prologue.
Avattu 25.8.2021 klo 20.08

Re-Independence Day

Completed Lloyd's route in Chapter I.
Avattu 26.8.2021 klo 7.32

Snowmelt Homecoming

Completed Rean's route in Chapter I.
Avattu 26.8.2021 klo 21.17

Fateful Evening

Completed ???'s route in Chapter I.
Avattu 26.8.2021 klo 21.44

Lost Souls

Completed Lloyd's route in Chapter II.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Shadows of the Scarlet City

Completed Rean's/C's route in Chapter II.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Beyond Illusions

Completed Lloyd's route in Chapter III.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Azure Uncovered

Completed Rean's route in Chapter III.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Memories of Light Grasped

Completed C's route in Chapter III.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Resurrected Will: The Black Siege

Completed Lloyd's route in Chapter IV.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Zero Encounter

Completed Rean's route in Chapter IV.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37


Completed C's route in Chapter IV.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

The End and the Beginning

Completed the final chapter.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Master of Truth

Gathered enough evidence to reveal the truth and proceed to the final battle.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37

Behind Closed Doors

Overheard a conversation between certain individuals.
Avattu 31.8.2021 klo 12.37