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10 от 11 (91%) достигнати постижения:
Лични постижения

Play 5 games

Plain and simple. Just play 5 games and you're golden
Откл. на 24 ян. в 22:22

Bidding My Time

One player wins every Auction in one quiz
Откл. на 23 ян. в 0:44

Signature Look Of Superiority

One player wins a quiz with at least twice as many points as the second place
Откл. на 22 ян. в 21:55

Et Tu, Brutus?

One player gets a Cat In A Poke from every other player in one game
Откл. на 22 ян. в 21:00

Hat Trick

One player answers correctly 7 questions in one round
Откл. на 22 ян. в 21:00

All Star

In one round, one player gets at least one correct answer from each category
Откл. на 22 ян. в 21:33

Don't Mind If I Do

Select three consecutive questions, and answer them correctly
Откл. на 22 ян. в 21:30


Outbid another player by just one point
Откл. на 22 ян. в 22:49


Select yourself in a Cat In A Poke, then answer correctly
Откл. на 23 ян. в 0:49

Hold My Beer

Start any round (except the first) in the last position, and end that round ahead of everyone else
Откл. на 22 ян. в 21:53

Never Tell Me The Odds

In the "Luck Over Speed" mode, one player gets chosen for answering a question three consecutive times.