Aaron Reynoso   United States
im back ya'll. I'm starting to stream :) Support ya boy, it doesn't hurt https://www.twitch.tv/ayayronS4 Just come say hi and enjoy funny moments that happen way too often :)
Momenteel offline
CSMONEY promobot 18 sep 2018 om 5:22 
Hey bro, Popular trading/gambling cs go site wtfskinz tradebot/roulette gives to his users 50-150$(or knifes) in skins! Also we got new opskins system - vgo, see more on wtfskinz. Steam unbanned their bots with old items so they giveaway them for free. You should enter promocode on wtfskinz. Also if you add wtfskinz to nickname you will get 50% discount to first trade or vgo! Link to wtfskinz at my profile
BLUNTZILLA 9 nov 2015 om 10:21 
added 2 offer trade
Grundo 30 sep 2015 om 19:33 
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Fire and Icey 2 sep 2015 om 16:21 
I had the same problem with this Reaper guy yesterday.
✪Reaper 2 sep 2015 om 8:51 
what joke?
fudd 31 aug 2015 om 15:37 
+rep good trader